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Ass ammo by twisted beast was like tap water

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by David
on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 at 15:24

David said on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 at 15:24...

weak as tap water, bottles were both half empty upon arrival, had a really faint odour upon opening, initial buzz was a very slight dizzying and warm feeling, no sexual feelings at all, very very weak product, I would assume it had evaporated due to the caps being loose and the seller just tightening them and sending them anyway

Thinking ofTheProf said on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 at 17:57...

why don't you tell the "seller" whoever that might be? nobody here can do anything, or maybe you just want to bad mouth AssAm

mickey blue eyes said on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 at 23:11...

thanks for the review david, ignore negative comments about your honest review. me thinks he duth protest to much

David said on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 at 23:50...

I have told the seller, they gave me some trash about needing to store it upright and in the fridge, I replied it was cold on delivery from the postman and I let it sit in a room at 20 degrees for 30 mins before sniffing, they the ignored me, I don't wish to badmouth anything that's good, I am informing people to steer clear so they don't feel ripped off and have their session ruined like I have

Some of the people on this forum are so pathetic, if you leave a positive review you are accused of working for the company, if you leave a negative review you are trying to sabotage the company, I have negatively reviewed one of many types of poppers from a company, not badmouthed the whole company and all it's products

What should I have done ?? Lied and said I had a relatively good experience that sits in the middle of positive and negative .....If I can't be honest, why bother ????

Hercule Parrot said on Thu, 23 Jan 2025 at 15:56...

If I can't be honest, why bother ???? Wed, 22 Jan

If I can't be honest what is the point ???? Thu, 5 Dec

Note the similarities, Hastings. The Four Question Marx! Voila, my little petit fours!

The Four Question Marx by Agatha Crispy

David said on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 at 07:11...

And who are you Hercule parrot ? The phrase police ???? Is this what the site has come to now ? You are trawling through old posts to see if there are phrase matches with previous comments to try and be the detective, the only real similarities here are that like Hercule Poirot you are a narcissist, just waiting to belittle someone before an audience, so you can prove just how smart you are.... What a fucking jack ass you are....

Ok just for you and how important you are and for your overarching brilliance and innate superiority I will rephrase the statement so as not to sound like any other of the millions of people that have said it in the past .....

If i'm not able to tell the truth is there a reason for me to post my experiences ??

There you go dickweed, I even left 2 question marks, I didn't check that this phrase hasn't been used previously, I have left it for you as you love to play decective. I won't say goodbye because you will no doubt find a post with a similarity and mark my card for me, so instead I will say tata I shall leave now

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