Does anyone try isohexyl nitrite?
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by jpn_popper_pig
on Sat, 18 Jan 2025 at 11:20
jpn_popper_pig said on Sat, 18 Jan 2025 at 11:20...
Hi everyone! I'm a popper lover from Japan.
This is my first time posting here, and I am seeking some advice from experienced fellow popper enthusiasts.
As you might know, many alkyl nitrite compounds are prohibited in Japan.
However, I still want to use them to make sex smoother (my butt is too tight without poppers). So, I'm considering synthesizing a nitrite compound that isn't prohibited.
I noticed that nitrites derived from iso-something alcohols, like isopropyl nitrite and isobutyl nitrite, are traditionally used.
Then I thought, "What about isohexyl nitrite?" It turns out it's not prohibited in Japan for now!
What do you think about this idea? Has anyone here tried making or using isohexyl nitrite?
If so, could you please share your experience?
Thanks a lot!
Jack said on Sat, 18 Jan 2025 at 22:51...
Don't know about isohexyl, but if it's anything like cyclohexyl nitrite, stay away! This was the "Special American Formula" (or something like that) Rush used in the nineties when isobutyl nitrite was banned in the US. It was beyond awful. It added as much pleasure to sex as smelling bus fumes (which is what is smelled like to me). Just very toxic and impure smelling, with NO euphoric or relaxation effect. IOW, it made sex WORSE than using nothing. I was so glad when isobutyl became available here again. Even a substandard batch of isobutyl is better than that cyclohexyl shit was.
Poon said on Sun, 19 Jan 2025 at 11:06...
The normal boiling points of isopropyl, isobutyl, isopentyl, and isohexyl nitrite are roughly 40, 70, 100, and 130C respectively. I do not think isohexyl nitrite will deliver a satisfactory hit near room temperature.
Rimjob said on Sun, 19 Jan 2025 at 20:44...
USA Formula (cyclohexyl) was born as a direct result of the "poppers clampdown" J. Miller's PWD created USA Formula. The same happened in the United Kingdom, where a dude created the Frankenstein poppers formula PROPYL, after amyl nitrite was basically banned from poppers. Cyclohexyl is the Donald Trump of poppers....nasty, nasty, nasty.
jpn_popper_pig said on Mon, 20 Jan 2025 at 11:58...
>> Jack, Rimjob
Thank you for the tips! Actually, cyclohexyl nitrite is banned in Japan, so I will defenitely avoid trying it. It sounds awful, though...
>> Poon
Thank you for you comment.
Yeah, you're probably right--I forgot such a simple fact. As the molecular weight of nitrite increases, its boiling point also gets higher.
What about hexyl nitrite? Since it is a isomer of isopentyl nitrite, it might have similar properties. I've read it's actually used in some poppers. If you have any information about hexyl nitrite, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could share it with me. Thank you!
Poon said on Mon, 20 Jan 2025 at 16:28...
Hexyl and isohexyl nitrite are isomers. I would expect them, and cyclohexyl nitrite, to have similar properties
I am retiring so please refer any future inquiries to Woodman.
CanuckBear said on Tue, 21 Jan 2025 at 09:43...
Don't retire, Poon! ...we need a few folks who know what they are talking about!
Dr. Wang said on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 at 08:39...
I have so far synthesized nitrites from 1-Propanol, 1-Pentanol, 1-Butanol, 2-Butanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, 3-Methyl-2-butanol, 2-methyl-2-butanol, and 3-Methyl-1-butanol. The only one which produced worthwhile results was the 1-Propanol. The others were half as strong at best.
If you don't have access to the alcohols themselves, you can often buy the acetate- "banana oil" and hydrolyze the alcohol from it with NAOH.
Acctually, the best performer I've made so far was from an amyl acetate which was supposedly synthesized from 1-Propanol, however it outperforms the 3 different sources of 1-Propanol I've bought from. I have no way to identify what it actually is beyond BP.
MD_Bottom said on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 at 14:42...
Jpn_popper_pig. You should check what the law actually is in Japan. In the US, it's technically illegal to sell nitrites, but it is NOT illegal to make, possess, or use nitrites. Just illegal to sell them. Maybe Japan is the same way.
jpn_popper_pig said on Thu, 23 Jan 2025 at 14:28...
>> Poon
Sorry, my bad. Yes, hexyl and isohexyl nitrite are isomers. I quickly searched the web for information about hexyl nitrite, and it does not seem to be effective.
>> Dr. Wang
Thank you for your valuable advice! Wow, how do you have access to so many kinds of alcohols? Are they relatively easy to obtain in the U.S.?
Also, it is a bit surprising that 3-methyl-1-butanol (isoamyl alcohol) didn't produce satisfactory results. I thought isoamyl nitrite is one of the most powerful nitrites. Perhaps, the chemical reaction didn't proceed properly?
Actually, I have access to isoamyl acetate. I mixed it with sulfuric acid to hydrolyze the acetate, but it didn't go very well. Would you recommend NaOH for hydrolysis? Do I need to remove NaOH after hydrolysis? I'd really appreciate it if you could share some tips!
>> MD_Bottom
Thank you. Actually, restrictions in Japan are more stringent than in the U.S. Manufacturing, possessing and selling are completely prohibited. The following six nitrites are currently banned:
- isobutyl nitrite
- isopropyl nitrite
- isopentyl nitrite (i.e. isoamyl nitrite)
- Tert-butyl nitrite
- cyclohexyl nitrite
- butyl nitrite
So I wanted to synthesize hexyl nitrite or pentyl nitrite, but they don't seem as effective as other nitrites. 🤔
Rosa Klebb said on Fri, 24 Jan 2025 at 20:07...
There was a big scandal in Japan involving a prominent business guy (not Japanese) I recall, and some drama with an air steward. I think PWD (Indiana era) were intensely marketing in Japan, and it drew the attention of the powers that be, same thing with the UK, which got butyl and amyl taken off the shelves. Discretion is everything, because poppers used to everywhere in downtown Tokyo, back in the day, Good luck with your search, jpn_popper_pig, but did you miss out good old amyl nitrite? Poppers in Asia were impacted by ASEAN COSMETIC DIRECTIVE 2003
Dr. Wang said on Thu, 6 Feb 2025 at 05:58...
Apologies for the delay, hope you see this.
You've already tried an acetate? Good man. Yes, these were all alcohols I could find from ebay/easily accessible supply houses in the US. I'm not aware of any restrictions on these, but the sodium nitrite is now difficult to find because some dickheads who run a forum promoting suicide made the news a white ago.
As I understand it, 3-methyl-1-butanol and 1-Pentanol were what amyl ampoules were originally made from, and branched alcohols are supposed to be produce a more volatile and satisfactory product, but that's not been my experience. What I made from 3-methyl-1-butanol was... *satisfactory*... While not as good imho as the '1-propanol,' it is a definite second (in quotes again because what I hydrolyzed from the acetate is not *exactly* the same as the 1-propanol I bought, but close). They all produced flushing, muscle relaxation, elevated HR and so on, but in my experience they were weaker, or even caused instant, albeit temporary, impotence :~o (when you get in the groove and take a hit, you can practically hear the needle scratch across the record as it all abruptly comes to a stop)
It may just be my physiology, but after about 3 years of using 2 or 3 times a week, my experience has only grown better and more intense with the '1-propanol'.
I freely admit it could be the fault of my synth, but I almost always get satisfactory product from my '1-propanol'. I mix the salt and alcohol in a beaker with a stir bar, and add the acid from an addition funnel. For a long time I put the whole setup in the freezer and ran it at -20°C, and I've tried using dry ice, but for ease of setup and monitoring, I just run it in an ice bath anymore. In the freezer, sometimes the liquid phase would turn pale blue. With dry ice, the sodium nitrite itself would turn a dark grey blue, but the reaction with the alcohol doesn't really proceed until it warms up, and you have to do this very carefully to avoid a flash runaway. But, sometimes even a runaway reaction will produce a very good product. The kinetics and variability of this reaction is something I will probably never understand. It doesn't require a stoichiometric amount of sodium nitrite or acid- you can get away with close to half of the expected amount of nitrite salt for the amount of alcohol, and half again the amount of acid you'd expect for the salt. I tend to use a minimal amount of water now. I've switched to H2SO4 instead of HCL, and the only water I add is to dilute the acid down to about 30%. I'll add some ice chips during the reaction if N-oxides start appearing, and the melted ice keeps the salt fluid enough to prevent the stir bar from getting jammed up. I wash with a bit of sodium bicarbonate water if it has a burning effect on the nose, but it doesn't always need it. I dry it with sodium sulfate and store in the freezer. I've tried storing over sieves, sodium sulfate, sodium nitrite, ascorbic acid, but nothing seems to be able to slow degradation, and the product is not really worth using by the 2 week mark. This is why I now make it in 5-7ml batches.
Yes, I refluxed the acetate with NaOH for a few hours, decanted the product from the residual sodium acetate/water phase, and distilled once. Having residual sodium acetate or hydroxide will interfere with the esterification. I haven't tried with acid. The product keeps in the fridge or freezer for 16+ months.
Do give the acetate another try, and see if you can positively identify the product by boiling point or something.
I wish you luck! I honestly feel a bit guilty. I've *never* been one to moan or be vocal, but the last couple times I've had to stop myself from screaming like a bitch. My last experience was so intense it brought up a whole mix of emotions and I started crying, went again a 2nd time, then just laid there for an hour listening to music. I've seen guys use amyl to come over and over, but I've never been able do that, usually when I'm done I'm just done. I've developed a routine and I have my slumps, but when I do it right and my body cooperates, it just gets more and more incredible.

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