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What happened to Rush?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Poppers
on Sun, 22 Dec 2024 at 20:35

Poppers said on Sun, 22 Dec 2024 at 20:35...

Hey! i just tried a bottle of Rush and it has the word BUTANOL on it? did not seem the same as the poppers I had before. different and really not the same!

Gym said on Mon, 23 Dec 2024 at 23:44...

You say your bottle of Rush has the word butanol on it so it's probably butyl nitrite formula. You also say your previous bottle was "different and really not the same", so what was the previous bottle's formula? Probably not "butanol" (butyl nitrite), right?

You either bought your Rush (butyl nitrite) from a different supplier and/or chose the Rush "brand" without knowing what formula you were buying.

Buying a solvent due to it's "brand" name (such as Rush or Jungle Juice) is unintelligent. You need to be much more aware of the "formula" that's inside the bottle.

Squirtle said on Tue, 24 Dec 2024 at 01:11...


Gym, you are probably wrong. Posting without researching is unintelligent.

Gym said on Tue, 24 Dec 2024 at 04:07...


You're probably right about what they bought. It definitely says "Butanol" on the label. Can't argue there.

However, that's not really important; what is important is that buyers use their brain.

The point I tried to make in my original post is if the consumer (Poppers) bought some Rush and it says butanol on it and they say it wasn't the same buzz ("different and really not the same";-) as another bottle they'd bought before, what does that tell you? It tells me that the Rush (with Butanol) they bought this last time is a completely different formula than the previous bottle they bought.

Again, the point I raised was that the buyer (Poppers) needs to pay much more attention to the "formula" they're buying, whether it be butanol, butyl nitrite, amyl, pentyl, and NOT the "brand name" they're buying, whether it be Rush or Iron Fist or Jungle Juice or whatever. It's the formula inside the bottle that's important, not the brand name on the outside.

Shouldn't be that difficult for an adult to understand.

Squirtle said on Tue, 24 Dec 2024 at 11:27...

You double down on insults and still haven’t addressed the original question: why are they adding butanol to pentyl nitrite formulas?

Gym said on Tue, 24 Dec 2024 at 15:53...

The big mystery of the day. /s

The company that sells the damn thing would know, no? Why doesn't "Poppers" quizz them instead of coming here to a forum to ask us? What, we know better than the company who actually makes it? smh

Gym said on Tue, 24 Dec 2024 at 20:23...

Because "Poppers" only said that they "tried a bottle of Rush and it has the word BUTANOL on it" but did not say where they got their bottle from or to which product they are comparing it to -- in other words, there's a clear lack of information -- I'll have to assume this (below) is the product "Poppers" is complaining about?





As I mentioned an earlier post, assuming that "Poppers" got their bottle from Twisted Beast, "Poppers" clearly needs to quizz TB about "What happened to Rush". TB are selling it, therefore they should know.

Again, this is all assumption on my part since "Poppers" left us very little info to begin with, which is sadly quite typical of poppers forums and it's posters.

Squirtle said on Tue, 24 Dec 2024 at 20:23...

Elsewhere it has been suggested that this is a marketing ploy for European consumers who do not have ready access to butyl formulations. I doubt the manufacturer would disclose anything along those lines.

Gym said on Tue, 24 Dec 2024 at 21:07...

Of course it's a selling ploy. That goes without saying.

You're right, the actual manufacturer will never disclose their formula info to a simple consumer, but Twisted Beast is selling the product so they should -- I say should -- have some actual info to pass along to consumers who message them.

That aside, it's always up to the consumer if they want to test different new formulas or not. In this case, Rush with Butanol. But to come to this forum and ask "What happened to Rush", without sharing any pertinent info such as where the bottle was bought from and what other poppers it is being compared to, is, to me, simply not serious. Typical, yes, but not serious.

Overall, in my experience of lurking here, poppersguide is mostly populated by unserious uninformed people. But that's just me.

Gym said on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 at 01:51...


Anonymous said on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 at 17:52...

the actual manufacturer will never disclose their formula

i think you will find it is FUNLINE in FRANCE and they say it is PROPYLE?

Gym said on Thu, 26 Dec 2024 at 02:05...

Without more detailed info from "Poppers" (the original poster), this thread has become pointless and a waste of time, which is completely typical for this forum.

Again, concerning "Rush with Butanol", there appears to be far more info available here:


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