Twisted Beast, second order
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Anon2
on Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 00:17
Anon2 said on Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 00:17...
After my initial order of the largely popular bottles coming out sour (headaches and not strong), I ordered again (mostly bc I forgot the sting of the first order).
I ordered 4 bottles
- Ass Ammo
- Fist Fuck
- Dumb Bitch Juice
- Gape Boy
Initial test: Fist Fuck. This time around, but first time with this brand itself, the results were absolutely nuts. By far the strongest and most instant I’ve ever had. Fast come up, hyper intense head experience as well as body, and extended duration.
There is still a very low but manageable headache. Still though, readers should give this a shot. Buyer beware though, this might be batch specific… results may very.
Anon2 said on Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 00:19...
PS, not spam or affiliated with the company. This is my own time and money that I’m burning here. I have zero skin in this. Like I said, the first batch blew. Still a mild headache. If it blows up I’ll report back. Id it didn’t get worse, I won’t come back to complain.
joe soap said on Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 01:13...
you clearly work for twisted beast, their products are weak garbage that all go off in less than 3 days from opening no matter how you store it or how little you use it, i stopped buying off them a year ago or more so it must have drastically improved or there must have been bad batches of all the crap i tried for several months
David said on Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 14:25...
You’re retarded. His post is 75% negative or skeptical. All it says is take a risk and you might get burned. This is why this forum is dead - idiots like you. Let people talk.
Anon2 said on Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 19:59...
To the ‘tard and everyone else. Second day bottle is still intense. Headache still moderate - so if you don’t like that stay away. Isn’t as bad as other experiences.
Fluid must be volatile because about 1/4 already evaporated. I get why people complain that it doesn’t last long. But wow how cheap do you gotta be if you want it to last forever? This is still cheap by most standards. Also, there may be a correlation between strength, toxicity and evaporation speed? So if you want strength maybe you give up longevity? Again, IDK.
Anyway. Can’t vouch for the other bottles just yet.
joe soap said on Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 20:21...
fuck off David you shitcunt
SLickMike said on Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 21:04...
I too find TB products go off in around 4 or 5 days.
HAd 3 orders and all the same.....
Saying that, isn't most stuff crap now?
SLickMike said on Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 21:06...
Forgot to say, Thats why i dont order from TB anymore either
Greg said on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 at 00:03...
@All Above: I have placed 10 orders with TB over the past two years.
Orders are processed and mailed out immediately with an e-mail providing me status of my order and a Tracking Number.
Product packaging is outstanding and much better than any other US or European vendor I have placed orders with over the past eight years.
My experience in using the TB amyl nitrite, pentyl nitrite, and n-pentyl nitrite formulas is that they are relatively weak, and any pro-sexual effects fade fairly quickly, requiring repeated huffs.
Still, if you prefer to use amyl or pentyl based formulas, I don't think you will find significantly better products. If you do, please let us know the name of the vendor and name of the product on the label.
Anon said on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 at 06:29...
I also found they go off in about 2-3 days maximum and are mostly very weak formulas, the odd bottle of ass ammo was acceptable but went off max of 2 days with a very very weak buzz on the 3rd morning, problem with as ammo is the leaky caps are terrible, even when fully tightened it stinks to high heaven and every time you sniff it leaks out onto your upper lip even if you wipe the twist cap of the bottle first
I think the plastic and foil seal within the cap also may be the cause of the issue of it going off, it melts into the mixture and goes all stringy and slimy as you pour the dead mix down the sink after its 2 day use
Anon said on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 at 06:35...
twisted beasts delivery is really quick and their customer service is great but who cares about all that shite when they are selling weak crap thats about as effective as sniffing cats piss or monkeys phlegm
Cornelius said on Fri, 22 Nov 2024 at 00:26...
i'm pretty sure you must be using a fake site, I order from twisted beast, especially Banana scent dumb bitch juice and it is seriously strong stuff and makes me a right slut, the stuff I have now is really potent and has lasted me 2 weeks so far and still almost as strong as when I started using it and I use it 5 hours a day at least twice a week
Anon2 said on Sat, 23 Nov 2024 at 02:55...
Stop with that nonsense. “Pretty sure you’re using a fake site”
Under zero fact base. Don’t be a douche.
Cornelius said on Sat, 23 Nov 2024 at 10:19...
Well you must be using a different twisted beast site to me because everything I buy off them is seriously strong and lasts a minimum of 2 weeks and then some, and that's with huffing 10 hours a week minimum, I have been huffing all night Fri and all day so far today and the dumb bitch juice is still almost the same as it was over 2 weeks ago when it arrived, you must be getting old stock or duff batches because everything I have ever ordered has been so string I can't stand up after huffing and after longer sessions it makes me drool and forget my name
SlickMike said on Sun, 24 Nov 2024 at 02:13...
God knows then. I find TB weak and after 2 days the whole order is not far off useless. Annoying, as being from the UK, next day delivery was great
I have ordered elsewhere for a while now.
Cornelius said on Mon, 25 Nov 2024 at 01:51...
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience slick Mike, where do you buy from now ? What do you use ? I may know the product and site and will give it a go to see if their products are better, maybe I am just a lightweight or have a bad system at counteracting the effects of poppers to the blood pressure because bitch juice gets me trashed

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