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[Update] @poppersx/Jerome

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Big ox425
on Fri, 4 Oct 2024 at 00:53

Big ox425 said on Fri, 4 Oct 2024 at 00:53...

Hello all, I need to post an update pertaining to my previous post and comments in regards to Jerome at poppersx. Search my name to see previous posts about him and my dealings with purchasing.

With that said, I'm not a shitty person and need to give credit where credit I due. First off, I had a very negative experience with this guy. Sent money, didn't recieve my items, was told he sent 3 additional shipments, then asked for more money for shipping and all the while racking up over 100 emails back and forth about how hard it is for him and blah blah blah.

But... the other day I did receive a package from him that was unannounced. There's no date on this package but the labels have yellowed and are unreadable, leading me to suspect that usps did indeed mess up and finally delivered one of these packages MONTHS later. I live in the desert and these have sat in the summer heat so obviously they're not usable anymore. But it was nice to see the package arrive, even if it was months later.

Perhaps it's like he said and usps did indeed screw up (multiple times with multiple people?) But that second package arriving doesn't excuse his banter with me or the fact that he stated he was going to take my money and run. Either way, I had a negative experience with him but it was nice to see this second unusable package arrive.

Would I order again? No. He burnt that bridge with his words. But I am here to credit him for at least something coming to fruition that he said he did.

Use this information as you wish. Just wanted to state facts.

Sniff on you greasy pervs.

Rimjob said on Fri, 4 Oct 2024 at 15:51...

Just shows...shit happens. his reply to you was LOL...like, man! you don't speak like that....but he was getting stressed by life stuff

poppersx.com said on Sat, 5 Oct 2024 at 14:42...

why would I be out to scam people? How many times would I get away with it? Would it be worth the time and money spent on building hosting and maintaining my website?

..no, no it wouldn't. I make great products, unfortunately I can't deliver them myself, it I could I would never, ever, have a dissatisfied customer.

Mr Big ox425, if I don't remember your order # or who you are, but if you would like me to send another replacement, can, but I don't think using USPS would be a good idea.... I can ship with fedex or ups.


also, I have been able to reopen a store on etsy, idk how long I will be able to keep it open for, but heres the address, order while you can if you cant use cashapp.


Starbug said on Sat, 5 Oct 2024 at 20:29...

Hi Jerome, you never running out of excuses?
The bad guys from the shipping service, are they chasing you,too?
I think your plan is to rip your customer off, your products are garbage and when you have customers they order once and never again.... then you start the E-Mail Theater, the World is so bad, you are so poor, you are earning no money, your Software cause Problems, i could write on for hours........

It is your business and you are in charge.....

yo-yo said on Sun, 6 Oct 2024 at 09:25...

Big ox425 is decent enough to correct his assumptions, but keyboard warrior Starbug is on it AGAIN! Repeating again and again the same things! As someone said you only get negative from him:

Starbug said on Sun, 8 Sep 2024 at 19:08...

Iron Fist and Brutus are made in den Netherlands, Amsterdam. Try both,- Quality is bad!!!

Just wondering is there anything you actually like, Starbug?

I agree that poppersx guy can get combative (rude), but according to Big ox425 it was a shipping thing after all! Like he said.

Starbug said on Sun, 6 Oct 2024 at 18:09...

@yo-yo only negativ? Search this forum, i say the true but when you waste your Monet, do not Listen to me .....

Big ox425 said on Sun, 6 Oct 2024 at 20:17...

@poppersx, if you ever nail down the formula that locker rooms jungle juice platinum used in the late 90's then let me know. I'd buy them by the case from you. That goes for anyone that can create that formula. I'll be your #1 customer lol. Until then, I'll be forever searching for that buzz. All poppers made today are trash by comparison. I was lucky enough to experience what real poppers are and what they can do. Gawd damn I miss those days 😭.

Popperbate said on Sun, 6 Oct 2024 at 22:14...

\the formula for REAL LR did not change, the label did as they are brewed up in Canada. where are you buying your Jungle, Big?? China copies and home (US) made JUNGLE JUICE (note no PLUS) those boys are filling their bottles with hexyl. hell, they even told this to a newspaper interview! all the same hexyl. the same formula from late 90's is in lots of brands, sweet and strong, you mean??

Von Von said on Mon, 7 Oct 2024 at 01:21...

Don't order poppersx he is a thief......

Starbug said on Tue, 8 Oct 2024 at 06:39...

@Big ox245 when you are looking for pentylnitrite, perhaps you can try Zürich from oxymoron.ag from Suisse...
In my opinion this is the 90s stuff....

Na-na-na-na said on Fri, 11 Oct 2024 at 14:35...

You are Swiss man! I think so already long time. when you invite me? i want you take me up the Matterhorn. if you have wasp or honey bee in Zurich?? i make you dinner Namphrik maeng da i think you love it. Na-na-na-na is beautiful cook! how big your house? how many room you have

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