London shopping
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Andy
on Thu, 3 Oct 2024 at 21:22
Andy said on Thu, 3 Oct 2024 at 21:22...
Does anyone know if the few remaining unbranded, run down and slightly sleazy sex shops in Soho sell more esoteric and different brands or if it is just the same usual brands as you would find at Regulation/ Prowler etc? Or even does anyone know how they survive - I can’t imagine the market for adults DVDs is that big anymore.
Billy said on Fri, 4 Oct 2024 at 17:34...
I haven’t used poppers since September last year. But back then you were able to find Double Scorpio Black in Soho Original Books at the bottom of Berwick Street, junction of Brewer Street.
It’s a smooth isobutyl, a slow burner but really powerful.
Some of the shops I reckon do very well charging £30 for sex toys they’ve bought for £20 etc.
Billy said on Fri, 4 Oct 2024 at 17:36...
Or more likely “they’ve bought for £8”
Anyway my point is last year one of the biggest Soho sex shops was openly selling isobutyl. They even had a huge Double Scorpio window display!
Andy said on Fri, 4 Oct 2024 at 21:56...
Thanks Billy. Someone told me that Lovehoney had hoovered up the entire sex toy business in the UK, but I guess some still like bricks and mortar. I’m going to have to push the button on some DS. It’s a lot of money though.
Tarquin de Baiser Noir said on Sat, 5 Oct 2024 at 21:00...
Except it is not isobutyl, but a "UK version" of DS, right? One of those Soho shops got prosecuted back in the day. I think they were done by The Royal Pharmaceutical Society, but I can't be sure.
But, guys and gals....Butyl is a "Controlled Drug" under this Act:
Therefore it cannot be sold in Soho, except at a licensed pharmacy...cus..."The 1968 Act provided a system of licensing for manufacturing and dealing in medicines" Sex shops are not licensed under The Medicines Act. Butyl, and isomers thereof, are prohibited for sale in the can't. It is the same in France, but slightly different, there it is banned as a carcinogen because it gives European people cancer (according to the EU anyway).
mickey blue eyes said on Mon, 7 Oct 2024 at 08:52...
there is a current alteration to the rules in the uk after brexit. regulations and rules that used to apply no longer do. its a grey area, but thankfully uk are happy with the rules. i understand why france and french companies are annoyed at this as they can only sell utter crap from venders such poppers aroma. dont worry though frenchy, uk cannot sell it into eu.
Billy said on Tue, 8 Oct 2024 at 13:27...
I happened to be in Soho today. Both Prowler and Soho Original Books have their windows laminated with large adverts for Double Scorpio.
So, happy days for those looking for isobutyl.
Though the days of 3 bottles for £10 are long gone!!!
It was £25 for one when I tried it last year.
Tarquin de Baiser Noir said on Tue, 8 Oct 2024 at 14:48...
Then it would seem that the Medicines Act does not apply to these outlets in Soho, perhaps it has declared independence from the UK? Sohxit? Just in passing: the European Union has nothing to do with the prohibition of isobutyl in the United Kingdom. It is quite separate domestic law that prohibits it's sale by unlicensed outlets. Nothing to do with it's carcinogenic properties, it is UK law, not EU law. The only product that can be legally sold is that isopropyl nitrite. That can only be sold as the law maker changed her mind following a series of interventions (Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.) Them's the facts, it seems it doesn't suit some, so it is ignored. I can understand some shady raincoat getting it under the counter, but you say they are plastering big adverts for isobutyl in W1? I am in EC4, I will go and have a loook later. If you are there now I will be Old Compton Street later around 8ish
Billy said on Tue, 8 Oct 2024 at 19:22...
Let us know how you get on!
My experience with isobutyl is it may seem underwhelming at first sniff, but builds up cumulatively. Possibly that’s just your blood oxidisation caving, but it tended to give me trippy effects.
I suppose the stores have figured that with the general collapse in law and order in this country that we read about in the newspapers, the risk of prosecution is small enough that they’re prepared to risk it!
Tarquin de Baiser Noir said on Thu, 10 Oct 2024 at 08:37...
Changed my mind, Billy. I am avoiding booze, there are some tempting drinking holes in Soho, so I had a one of those Tom Kerridge pies and TV instead...oh yeah I checked earlier and, according to Hansard, all poppers are regulated in the UK under the Medicines Act:
"The substances Liquid Gold, Pure Gold and TNT are all brands of poppers. They are not solvents but are controlled under the Medicines Act 1968"
I agree with you about these adult stores. Can you image the furor if the fuzz turned up and started confiscating poppers? they have better things to finding my iPhone which was nicked last week...some chance.
Dirty said on Tue, 15 Oct 2024 at 18:27...
Must be mad as hatters to buy anything in Soho! it's all China made shit with a HUGE markup. how much is a dildo in Soho then! ask yourselfs that.
Miss Georgina Tinkle said on Wed, 23 Oct 2024 at 15:28...
Soho was once a charming place, now it is absolutely ghastly. Gone are all the lovely quaint restaurants, gone the smoke filled drinking dens, all gone. It was destroyed by avaricious gentrification. I despise you all! how dare you!
40aDay said on Wed, 30 Oct 2024 at 09:40...
The rot set in when they banned cigarette smoking in pubs. That is when the gastro pub mob took control. everywhere, not only SOHO. I see mention of Tom Kerridge! he cooks things which anyone can make better at home like pies and pates and Yorkshire pudding. 2 stars from that foreign tyre WTF. Get a recipe book, you lazy snobby Southern bastards, or come to Wigan for proper cooking, actually don't come, stay where you are, ya barmpots. Poppers I can buy at the local newsagent, Liquid Gold. Why go to London to buy poppers? they are better or something...give me a break!
Miss Georgina Tinkle said on Fri, 29 Nov 2024 at 08:39...
I could not agree more. I have never been to Wigan, and I certainly have no intention of paying a visit. If the truth be known: I rarely leave the borough (Kensington and Chelsea). I once had reason to visit Battersea, i developed extreme headaches, nausea and nose bleeds. They should put up warning signs on the bridges! South of the river, absolutely not! how dare you!

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