My Review of
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Jingo
on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 at 00:57
Jingo said on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 at 00:57...
Yes I must have moron on my forehead as one previous user said on this website. So I look at their website, seems very professional. I contact them before I order. I ask questions. They respond very politely. I say to myself WTF I don't do this very often. Give it a try. I live in Canada, they ship inside Canada, no chance of custom guys stopping it. Yes the price is high but I look at others that the price was even higher. So I make my order on Thursday, confirmation email comes quickely with my order # instructions on how to complete the payment. E transfer is all they accept. It ok. I have a bank account with that. I do it. 6 hrs go by, another email from them saying payment confirmed order is now being processed for delivery. My order was placed in express Canada post on Friday. I understand nothing goes on in the weekend. So Monday nothing in the mail. So Tuesday today shipment arrives in my mailbox. Nothing injured. I open, looks like pwd all sealed. I have not opened the bottles yet. Just to let you know of my happened with this outfit.
Jango Fett said on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 at 01:40...
Yeah so what do they smell like? There was one place out of PA or somewhere that mixed a bunch of nasty chemicals and sent you mentholated hangovers. They had some sort of "ice" marketing. Zero effects whatsoever, but there was someone behind this company that knew how to mix chemicals and scam people. Never saw anything like that anywhere else.
Jingo said on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 at 18:50...
Curiosity got to me last night. So I opeaned bottle of Rush. Put my video up. Start my popperbat and everything changes, 2-3 big hits and going strong. It did not smell much like anything. But it working very well. Evrything changing. Getting very turn on. Still hard, no eye spot, no headache, no cough. 1 hour I stopped. Balls draind. Was afraid I would have bad cough in morning. Did not happen, no bad head. Was good suprised. Did it again today, was fun but no come. Becuz last night. Check my o2 level with finger probe. 88. So i stop. HB in the 80s. No cough, thsts what I was afraid of becauz past happinings. Very pleezed with this. I look at wrapping, says Isobutlyl Nitrite. I put it away for Ifear I like it to much.
Jango Fett said on Thu, 22 Aug 2024 at 14:33...
Can you send in for GC analysis plz bb
Amyl specialist said on Thu, 22 Aug 2024 at 17:22...
I received two 30 ml bottles of Retro Amsterdam from a German company(starts with L) that sells Canadian made poppers. The two they sent had the same code and both smelled like harsh cat piss. Hardly any effect and any effects were bad. I have now lost faith that any maker can reproduce what Joe Miller of IN had been making up to 2010. If the poppers don't make getting fucked feel totally good, they are NOT good enough. They have too many impurities. You absolutely NEED high purity(99.9%) alcohols each and every time they are used to make poppers. The alcohol will change odor as it degrades. My alcohol takes a couple months to degrade enough to notice it.
Amyl specialist said on Thu, 22 Aug 2024 at 17:25...
If the popper is pure enough, it needs to be kept acid and water free enough to have a decent shelf life. The bead is activated alumina and it sucks up traces of water. If there's too much residual water or acid, it won't have a good shelf life.
Jingo said on Thu, 22 Aug 2024 at 19:30...
I'm not chemist. I just tell you my happening. This website did no rip me off. Sent package quickly, no injurys, inside Canada. Was in dizzy sexxy land for good long time. No bad hangover next day, no cough. o2 did go go away to 88. I stop. Today o2 up to 95. I no profesonal popper smeller. Admin was polite with emails. $35 for little bottle make me moron? But all things connect and I have no porn shops to get this from in my place. Top of bottle imprinted with RUSH with bolt going on each side. Warraping has superman and little written words to small for my eyes. But I can see isobytle nitite. Smell is clean. Effect is 5-10 second and stronger on each hit. These are my truw words.
Elvis said on Fri, 23 Aug 2024 at 15:03...
Your bottle of Rush sounds like it was a lot better than my last bottle of Rush. Isobutyl from PWD. Very weak. Maybe it was old. Who knows.
Jingo said on Fri, 23 Aug 2024 at 17:42...
To Elvis - I'm sorry you did not get good rush. Maybe your rush not original PWD. I don't know. I think I know these guys dont want bad reputation. That not good for business. My avaluation in my own mind. I think these guys have contact inside USA and can get good stuff into Canada. But that just me thinking. The rush i have i had to put down - o2 was 88 from finger probe. I learn a few facts by readin on this forum. o2 goes down time to have a brake.
Gaffer65 said on Fri, 30 Aug 2024 at 17:06...
Just bought from Canada Poppers and they charged me HST tax on my order. Absurd.

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