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Has anyone dealt with Devuspoppers.com - UK based

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Poppers Olympian
on Tue, 23 Jul 2024 at 20:32

Poppers Olympian said on Tue, 23 Jul 2024 at 20:32...

I’ve been looking for some decent real Lockerroom poppers and this company appear to have the real things. I’m wanting to relive that slutty feeling that Jungle Juice Plus was giving until a few years ago but I can’t find decent poppers anywhere these days.

This company appear to be quite new, but the webpage is reasonable and an X account is active and posting recently. It anyone has bought from this company it would be good to hear what the opinion of the poppers and service is.

Jerry said on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 at 20:54...

@PoppersOlympian: This late response is being sent on Aug 21st.
My recurring observations on European vendors over the past two years is that the original LRM (Canada) Jungle Juice Black and Gold Label Pentyl Nitrite based formulas are no longer available.
LRM (Canada) has replaced those formulas with what I believe is a Hexyl Nitrite based formula. I found it to be too weak and it did not provide any significant pro-sexual effects.
However, other uses may have a more positive experience with this new "European" formula.
If anyone is currently purchasing LRM (Canada) Jungle Juice Black or Gold Label with the ORIGINAL PENTYL NITRITE formula, please provide us the name of the vendor. Thanks.

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