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How to air out smell?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Round Fish
on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 at 02:07

Round Fish said on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 at 02:07...

So, I have used poppers for several years now. I live with my parents and I used to live on an upper floor compared with them. This made airing out poppers pretty easy as all I had to do was crack a window and put a box fan in it.

Now we have moved to the desert (can get up to 120 degrees) and we live on the same floor together. They cannot smell the poppers or they will freak out. I can't really open the window because of the heat.

I'm concerned that if I don't do anything, the smell will simply waft out into the rest of the house. That, or the chemicals will rise and the household AC unit will pump the smell throughout the entire house. (Not exactly sure what these ducts in the ceiling do. There are two. One spits out cold air and the other one does ???)

Having used poppers for several years now at the old house; I am well aware of how much I have to inhale to get my desired effect and it can leave the entire room smelling like poppers for some time. This wasn't a problem until the new place and I have no idea how I'm supposed to air out an entire room without opening a window and blowing it out with a box fan.

Any ideas?

Nicorette said on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 at 04:23...

Quit using them today, and turn your life to Christ.

What's that smell? said on Mon, 15 Jul 2024 at 03:08...

The vent that is not blowing out, is sucking air in. Stinky popper laden air, that will be recirculated throughout the rest of the system!

A charcoal filter might absorb some of the odor, but you probably should be honing your bullshit skills right now, because it's going to stink up the whole place and you'll have some explaining to do.

Might I suggest trying the "leather cleaner" excuse?

Elvis said on Mon, 15 Jul 2024 at 12:10...

The other duct in the ceiling that is not pumping out cold air is probably a cold air return. That duct draws in air. But they normally go through a filter of some sort. So I really don't think the popper air will recirculate through the house like you think it will. Will it stink up the room you are in without being able to open a window to vent the smell out ? Most definitely.

You might have to open a window and let the heat in. I actually like the heat. It makes my cock all hot and sweaty. Could you just go somewhere else and do your poppers there ? A public restroom ? Library maybe.

Old Mo's Almanack said on Mon, 15 Jul 2024 at 18:06...

Buy a whole salmon, place it in a duct, you will not smell anything else. Oysters will take it another level. I know from experience, as I used to do this with my ex wife while we were finalizing the divorce.

?A public restroom ? Library maybe

wooo...you think that poppers in a restroom might not lead to unwanted interactions with other pissers?? Poppers behind a big book like War and Peace, or Marcel Proust's epic? sounds fun, not. Librarians are notoriously suspicious, uptight, and beady eyed...they will see what you are doing and smell you too, most likely. Neither place sounds good.

yo-yo said on Tue, 16 Jul 2024 at 19:46...

"Any ideas?"

I know the answer. I am no keen on assisting you evade the property owners, if they disapprove of your activity. The answer is pretty simple, two words actually. Fill me in on some more of your background, and I will then consider sharing the secret of poppers odor elimination (POE) it is available at a nearby store. You say they will freak out. why...

Elvis said on Wed, 17 Jul 2024 at 12:08...

I just had an idea there Mr. Fish. Get you one of those room air purifiers that plug into a wall outlet. They're pretty cheap. And small. Just tell your folks that your room has been a bit stinky and that this will help keep it smelling fresh.

yo-yo said on Wed, 17 Jul 2024 at 13:15...

My solution is better than yours. Room air purifiers is 3 words, mine is 2. First word begins with a letter that was used by fictional character who wears a mask.

Anonymous said on Fri, 26 Jul 2024 at 19:05...

Toilet freshener?

anon said on Sat, 27 Jul 2024 at 03:26...

Butthole pleasures?

Anonymous said on Wed, 31 Jul 2024 at 05:17...

Pepé Le Pew? But he is not PC!We learn "The women in his films often flee in fear of him, and his behavior is seen as a form of stalking and implied sexual assault." Also, he has a three word name, not two, but he wore a gas-mask, yeah? Do I win a prize? No :-(

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