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Popper Discord

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Sissy Cindy
on Tue, 2 Jul 2024 at 10:45

Sissy Cindy said on Tue, 2 Jul 2024 at 10:45...

Does anyone know or have any links to popper discord servers, i used to be in some but lost them when i got kicked form discord. Now am back on trying to get back to the popper discord servers, all help appreciated xxx

Ye Olde Queene said on Tue, 2 Jul 2024 at 15:39...

You will find plenty of discord here, Sissy Cindy. There are lots of grumpy old queens complaining 'cus it is not 1989.

>when i got kicked form discord

sounds interesting...tell all, girl. ru a naughty girl?

Sissy Cindy said on Tue, 2 Jul 2024 at 23:19...

Always a naughty girl hehe, was just in the wrong discord at the wrong time that got kicked so all inside that server all go kicked as well, even if we did not post anything the server just got nuked

Gaylord Kvetch said on Wed, 3 Jul 2024 at 15:34...

Poppers don't work no more! My back hurts! I cannot get hard! Back in the day (1987...NOT 89!!!) everything was AMAZING. I would troll down to The Drain Pipe, grab a bottle of poppers, and be banging away in the darkroom before I had my second drink! What happened??? Duh! poppers are different NOW, and TV sucks too!

Drigger said on Fri, 5 Jul 2024 at 02:39...

Poppers are as delightful as always. Started 1997 and still going strong today.

Might have missed the “good old days” but I’m happy with the current isobutyl stuff found today.

Makes my panties fall off every time.

Gaylord Kvetch said on Fri, 5 Jul 2024 at 15:06...

“good old days”

long gone, young gun! back in the day poppers were as sweet as cherry pie! and 80s studs had proper tight 501s to tightly hold their cock pythons. I was open for business every weekend till late! The Drain Pipe (on the corner of Sandlick and Main) was the place, so many stories I could tell you, you never lived, I pity you!

Elvis said on Wed, 10 Jul 2024 at 19:32...

Mid to late 1980's RUSH would send you to the moon. Awesome stuff.

Gaylord Kvetch said on Thu, 11 Jul 2024 at 09:36...

Yes. That was the way back when, before "they" changed everything! I still have my knee pads from the Golden Girls Clubroom in The Drain Pipe. Many happy blurred memories of grinding my face into crotches in the dark popper laced air of The GGC. Golden referred to a bathtub!

How are you hips doing, Elvis? Mine r not so good, and I have sciatica, high blood pressure, and this darn twitching. Doctors these days suck! Back in the 1980's they were so much better!

Elvis said on Thu, 11 Jul 2024 at 12:43...

Hips are fine. Overall I'm in pretty good shape. I do take meds for high BP. But that's my own fault though. I could take better care of myself.

Straight dude here. Bought some at a newly opened Lion's Den business near my old home town probably around 1986. Not sure how they let me in. I think I was only 16 years old. But a fresh bottle of RUSH and a nice shiny Club or High Society magazine, and I could jerk my cock to popper heaven. The images on the pages would damn near have movement to them.

Dr Clam said on Thu, 11 Jul 2024 at 22:04...

Dr Clam recommends trying one of the fine selections of poppers available from poppersx.com, isopropyl can be overwhelming and potentially unsafe, but he sells it anyways, fuck he'll sell you anything you ask for potentially... n-amyl / isoamyl / or even butyl is plenty fun and safe to use excessively.

Please remember to have fun, if your working too hard, then you are probably doing it wrong!

Gaylord Kvetch said on Sat, 13 Jul 2024 at 19:38...

I remember those shiny magazines. Those were the days! I wonder if anyone remembers Drummer? Cannot say I know High Society or Club..used to look sometimes in those ones but the "something for the ladies" section...hehe

..I do take meds for high BP..

me too, and like you it's all my fault..smoking since way back when.

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