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Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Bull
on Thu, 27 Jun 2024 at 18:57

Bull said on Thu, 27 Jun 2024 at 18:57...

Whoever it was who posted a review and talked about mixing all three of that guys stuff is a genius. Fucked myself silly for three hours straight today. I’ve been offering the stuff to hookup tops and they go crazy for it. Shipping was weird but it’s worth putting up with for this.

AnonOP said on Sat, 6 Jul 2024 at 12:06...

eyyyyy yo it's fucking great. i don't think it's all three though or if it is just a little bit of the isobutyl. the amyl and butyl by themselves left a pretty clean feeling afterwards. the isobutyl would give me a cough every time even when fresh. when i mixed all three when they were all fresh it was good for a few days. maybe mixing all three keeps the isobutyl fresh or something? the isobutyl may just be that fucking strong chemically and the addition of the other gives you the strength, euphoria, and relaxtation. i dunno what's happening chemically, but i know that mixing all three was fucking fantastic.

AnonOP said on Sat, 6 Jul 2024 at 12:27...

i mean isopropyl not isobutyl, all these fucking chemical names lol.

poppersx.com said on Mon, 8 Jul 2024 at 14:35...

thank you for posting! I actually tried synthesizing a concoction all at once (was octal, isopropyl, butyl, n-amyl, and isoamyl all at the same time) and something went terribly wrong I was lucky I put the reaction vessel in an explosion proof box because about an hour into it the addition funnel exploded from the pressure build up.

So this is why I don't sell a premixed version.

I understand that buying 3 bottles just to get the best effect possible isn't cheap and while I am out to make a profit here, I do not need to rip any one of either.

I am going to do some pricing adjustments or put together a 'sampler pack' at the very least and offer a discount on it, so something like 40$ for one of every kind I have.

I am open to branding as well, using the chemical names is probably not the best practice but like I've always said, I'm not good a marketing, sales, or customer service (but I am trying to improve), I'm good at making poppers. So if anyone has some suggestions on what to call them by instead of their chemical names, please feel free to chime in! I know that these products are much more popular with males than females, but believe it or not, I know a few (2) that really love the stuff, so I would kinda like to keep the naming gender nonspecific if possible? Is that even a good idea? idk you tell me. Will put together a combo package deal right now, oh and there are still some of the 15$ off coupon codes left at least 15 of them remain unused

Von Von said on Wed, 14 Aug 2024 at 23:04...

Do not buy poppersx. Its alcohol with yellow food coloring. Its a scam.....

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