Poppers Poppers Guide Poppers Forum Poppers Reviews

anyone in the US but within driving distance of Canada?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by poppersx.com
on Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 11:40

poppersx.com said on Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 11:40...

I found a place that does fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy testing of substances for free, but its only for Canadians... and I only got past Canadian customs a few times.

I know there are a few people who want me to just give up, and they sure are making things difficult for me, but with the amount of money and time and effort I've put into this, I'll never just give up. All you've done is contract with someone in China to mass produce your product, you could care less about it yourself... the only thing you have that's better than what I have is your packaging. I am working on it but its damn hard to find someone who can print custom shrink wrap labels apparently.

Old Mo's Almanack said on Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 13:48...

More drama! You are the reincarnation of Comrade Ken!

Anonymous said on Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 14:48...

Please stop putting your problems on here. There are tons of suppliers of poppers in the US and around doing the same thing you are. You think you're the only one supplying them. Stop posting about your money problems and you're the best and blah blah blah. Praying for people to leave you reviews.....like stop lol. Who knows what you put in your products.

Kip said on Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 01:39...

What is the objective of the FTIR analysis?

Tommy said on Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 09:13...

Yes what are you trying to say ? That people can test the strength and legitimacy of your product ? Can you please clarify poppersx.com

Starbug said on Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 06:16...

Watch out: The poppers guide forum deleted the most critical post about Don Jerome poppersx.com... here is no freedom of speech....
But i will post it every day again:
Poppersx.com the guy behind, called Jerome S. aka Don is a bad business man, a lyer and finally a betrayer !
I placed 3 order, paid about 450 Euro and get this:
First delivery : delivery with vacumed coolpack 1 bottle from 5, the rest broken and flushed out.
Second delivery, paid 5 bottles plus delivery never revieve a shipping, ask Don about the tracking ID....
Don had no tracking ID or invoice, because the
programm he used is broken.... never get something- full lost!!!!!
Third order, i should only pay the shipping, Don told me he sent it to make it up. Paid for dhl express 60 Euro, Don sent it with usps Flat and paid 20 USD and keep the rest for himself. Shipping recieved all bottles are broken so i get scrab....
Don is every time screaming about the money, it seems he believe he is a super poppers maker and a top manager business man..... Don has always big intensives but the money.... Drama queen
This is not the way to do business!!!!! Same on you

popopersx.com said on Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 12:47...

this is what i get for not paying someone in nigera to post reviews. i tried to use dhl, they would not accept the package.

poppersx.com said on Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 12:51...

i am the only one who produces them here in the US, all the others just import them.

poppersx.com said on Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 12:55...

Tommy yes its a way to get it analyzed so the shit talkers and liars will finally shut the fuck up.


this is pretty pathetic only takes one or two jerks to halt sales....

Kip said on Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 13:22...

I do not think FTIR and test strips will deliver the results you are after.

Starbug said on Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 13:51...

I paid for dhl express you sent it with usps, i have all the Email to proove it!!!! You have not try dhl !!!! Why does poppersguide forum delete the critical post?
I give you a fair Chance, you mess it up.
The next chapter of your life drama: The people are bad, all people and the World are against me... i am such honest guy , can not explain why the people are Upset... which wants only the best from the people... the money ,money money
So i keep on warning here....

woodman said on Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 15:43...

i am the only one who produces them here in the US, all the others just import them.

not true

MO'ASS! said on Sat, 22 Jun 2024 at 18:25...

Donny is using food grade nitrite in 50 lbs bags. That bag will last him 20 years. But the problem is food grade nitrite is crap even when super fresh. It makes for a strong brew but there is nasty by products in it from the food grade. I am not sure why but it is so. The by products make you feel like total crap after a couple of applications also the brew breaks down really fast. The COA on the food grade doesn't show nitrates but I suspect it is laced big time. I bought a 50lb bag once and tested a few brews and all were crap. My bag was 45 days old from the date of manufacture. I ain't talking out of my ass. It is from experience. Lab grade nitrite which costs a hell of lot more, but harder to get, gives awesome results. Pure, clean and the shelf life is terrific.

anonymous said on Sat, 22 Jun 2024 at 18:35...

It's false that the sodium nitrite is the primary reason poppers turn out poorly. ACS grade SN is good enough and should last a long time if sealed and kept under nitrogen/argon. Food grade has an additive that is undesirable. It prevents chunks.

The alcohols MUST be 99.9% pure OR distillation is mandatory. It's the purity of the alcohols that determines the final product when it's not distilled. I learned this the hard way, BUT there are chemists who demonstrated this from 1914. It's all on google. They determined that the amyl nitrite on the market in 1914 was so variable in quality BECAUSE the alcohols used were of varying purities. This is an established FACT!!! And alcohols DO DEGRADE even if they start out 99.9% pure. They must be protected.

anonymous said on Sat, 22 Jun 2024 at 18:44...

TCI sent me a different batch of one pentanol and it made a 100% difference. They refunded my cost for the BAD batch. Oddly, when I add a slight excess of HCl, I get a very potent ass relaxer, mild aromatic odor, BUT a tendency for my blood pressure to tank. My blood pressure runs normal to low so it doesn't take much to tank it.

IF I add a slight excess of alcohol, I don't get as strong an ass relax, but a bigger adrenaline rush and so far no tanking blood pressure. Which amyl nitrite is more pure? I don't know because I can't tell based on just the effects. But either brews are readily preserved with just KCarb and nothing else.

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