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Poppers on carry ons

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Cornfieldbear
on Fri, 5 Apr 2024 at 10:11

Cornfieldbear said on Fri, 5 Apr 2024 at 10:11...

Are poppers allowed on your carry ons or personal item when traveling?

@Cornfieldbear said on Fri, 5 Apr 2024 at 12:24...

Absolutely not. They are extremely flammable. You are putting yourself and others at risk by bringing flammable substances on a plane.

Swanton said on Fri, 5 Apr 2024 at 14:22...

most liquids under 3oz are allowed like hand sanitizer and and stuff, but def. not poppers. Extremely flammable and dangerous like the previous guy said.

Genius Expert said on Fri, 5 Apr 2024 at 14:33...

It's not like he's going to get a lighter on a plane and ignite the stuff. What's actually likely to happen is the stuff will leak and evaporate and fill the cabin with headache causing badness of today's poppers that have like NO active ingredient...and THEN you get in trouble once they found it was coming from you!

@Cornfieldbear said on Fri, 5 Apr 2024 at 19:31...

It would be nice if it simply leaked and turned the entire plane into an cruising bar style sex orgy, but most likely the bottle would explode in case of a pressure drop. And while it will definitely not catch the entire plane on fire, it may burn someone. Just don't do it, buy your poppers locally.

De Lusion said on Sat, 6 Apr 2024 at 10:29...

Check out Blyat Airlines out of Minsk for fun and games in the sky. They operate a lazy faire attitude compared to the most others. It is not uncommon to see goats, chickens, and rabbits running around in Economy. What happens in the toilets, stays in the toilets, but I recall finding a pair of rubber gloves, lipstick, butter, and a heavily stained copy of Valery Barykin prints. Never saw poppers though.

Chtob tebe deti v’sup srali!

Glen said on Mon, 15 Apr 2024 at 04:10...

@Cornfieldbear: I have placed new (unopened) popper bottles in a small plastic jar with a tight cap. I placed several layers of folded paper towels over the tops of the popper bottles. I then placed the jar in a zip lock bag, which was then placed in my suitcase. This procedure has never created any problems for me with the airline agents who check the suitcases.
However, a better solution would be to securely package your popper bottles in a small cardboard box - use two zip lock bags in the event there is possible leakage during the mailing - and mail the box to an address at your travel destination (assuming you have a hotel address, etc).
I have never - and would never - place any popper bottle(s) in an airline carry-on bag under any circumstances.

De Lusion said on Mon, 15 Apr 2024 at 14:29...

This procedure has never created any problems for me with the airline agents who check the suitcases.

Not sure why not! sounds super fishy to me! like you are trying to hide something nasty, illicit, or dangerous.

40aDay said on Wed, 17 Apr 2024 at 13:59...

Like Liz Truss I think everyone should be able to to do whatever they please! Whatever happened to candy cigarettes? and asbestos? and mercury douches? and freedom of choice! down with the "technocratic establishment" Long live the Nick O Teenies!

Anonymous said on Thu, 18 Apr 2024 at 17:18...

I understand she once said she intended to "bang the dumb"?

Walter from Fort Lauderdale said on Fri, 10 May 2024 at 21:58...

Is it allowed to carry silicone dolls in luggage? or do I have to pay for an extra ticket?

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