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poppersx s poppers

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by mickeyblueeyes
on Thu, 4 Apr 2024 at 21:57

mickeyblueeyes said on Thu, 4 Apr 2024 at 21:57...

I have to say I am very much grateful for all your work. I have not tried your stuff yet as I am taking time off them, but will try them soon. I know your a bit fed up with lack of sales, but trust me if the product is good people will come back.

There can be a huge number rod reasons for lack of return customers from payment issues, fear of customs, fear of leakage, perhaps the product isn't quite at that 1990s level of perfect popper to get the kind of sales folk were buying then.

can folk who have tried it give an honest opinion of the effects.i could boost sales for poppeesx

ZZ Bottom said on Fri, 5 Apr 2024 at 03:22...

I still want to see a chromatogram. How do we know there is even 1% of what we want in there?

PJ said on Fri, 5 Apr 2024 at 15:42...

I enjoy reading poppersx posts. I am with you, mickeybe, I hope he succeeds and does not give up. I look forward to reading your review and I hope other people try him out. Honest and decent is what I see.

poppersx.com said on Tue, 9 Apr 2024 at 01:32...

chromatography tests cost at minimum 300$, and that's for the cheapest one, one required for actual sales as a medical drug I imagine thousands or tens of thousands.

I have run my stuff through a vacuum distillation at a carefully monitored temperature and nothing was left over, aside from a stray cat hair. Really kinda amazing as how it evaporates at nearly room temperature and comes out the other side. I did only do this for isopropyl but unless the alch is contaminated I imagine I would get the same results for the other nitrites.

Sales have picked back up but are still much lower than before, about 1/4th the volume, I figured out how one of my competitors gets around the credit card processor issue, they actually save your numbers to their database then process the orders offline by hand, I've looked into doing this myself but sounds fishy and complex and I don't want to sit there entering numbers on a terminal all day, or at all really. Still, if its what has to be done to get sales back up I may do it also.

ZZ Bottom said on Tue, 9 Apr 2024 at 03:07...


anonymous said on Wed, 10 Apr 2024 at 14:38...

I've made isopropyl nitrite many times and almost always it's too toxic to do for more than 5 minutes, at which time my system shuts down and I feel like total shit. It feels like the blood pressure is dropping, but the heart won't pump strongly enough to compensate. And it stays this way for hours after only 5 minutes of tiny whiffs. No doubt there are impurities, but without an analyzer, it's anyone's guess as to what's in the crude product. IBN and BN are similar except they don't cause the toxic effect as soon. Amyl nitrites, on the other hand, though certainly impure, my home brew, it never has made my system shut down. It may have "off" effects, but nothing that made my system shut down and curse the day I ever tried poppers.

anonymous said on Wed, 10 Apr 2024 at 14:40...

Nobody can learn anything definitive about poppers without a means to test for purity/composition constantly, for both reagents and product.

anonymous said on Wed, 10 Apr 2024 at 14:43...

Imagine a professional drug maker, never knowing the exact purity/composition of all their reagents or their finished product before they sell to the public? Everything has to be tested with timely protocols. Anabolic Steroid sellers are including lab results for their goods.

poppersx.com said on Wed, 10 Apr 2024 at 18:52...

I don't have $300 for a test that isn't even going to be good enough for anything at all. I'm confident in my products I don't need a overpriced third party to tell me whats what.

Every batch is done with a brand new bottle of alcohol, the 5 gal bucket of sodium nitrite I have came with a 5 page materials safety sheet, I'll go ahead and post that on my site I guess if you doubt me (because it sounds like you do). HCL is from hardware store its standardized and labeled, not super high quality but its fine I've used it for many things with no issues ever.

poppersx.com said on Wed, 10 Apr 2024 at 19:15...


Branch Covidiot Clot Shot Promoter said on Sun, 14 Apr 2024 at 23:53...

HAHAHA!!! Trust me! I bought some rotten old concrete cleaner at Homo Depo and call it "HCL"

Thekindofguythatwillamofointheface said on Thu, 18 Apr 2024 at 17:41...

ZZ Bottom you’re the only idiot in the conversation I’m a customer of PoppersX and have been using poppers since 1999. He’s got legit products so get off your high horse, clowns like you have such a high opinion of yourselves that you have no idea how stupid you actually look and sound.

Anon said on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 02:48...

Making good poppers is fairly easy. Make them in quantity all at once is harder. 1 liter would take some trial and error to get the process down consistently.

Fistingmike said on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 at 01:44...

I recently purchased a bottle of Video Head Cleaner PL100. I have to say this is the best stuff I’ve found since Amyl Nitrite back in the late 70’s. This stuff will fuck you up. I orgasm anytime I do it very quick. I make sure I don’t try to stand up until it has completely subsided for fear of passing out. It surprisingly doesn’t have a strong odor either, which can make it very deceiving when you hit it. It’s pricey though at $30 a bottle. It is recommended to keep it in the freezer when not in use. I keep mine in the fridge and it has kept very well.

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