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Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by poppersx.com
on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 at 08:50

poppersx.com said on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 at 08:50...

butyl and isopropyl 15ml bottles are now only $12 each
n-amyl 15ml $18
butyl and isopropyl 30ml bottles $22 each

If sales pickup I will keep these prices, if sales do not increase I will revert to old higher prices. Barley making enough to pay the website hosting bill as things are right now... if anyone is willing to create another etsy seller account for me I will provide free poppers to them. If I could get back to making 1500$ a month again I would be happy, very happy. Making ~40$ per week at most right now is making me want to scrap the whole thing and give up

anon said on Mon, 1 Apr 2024 at 10:10...

Yeah.. I'm not going to want to get my poppers from someone whose sales are so low that I'm probably going to get a popper that was made well over 2 months ago. So, you probably always have at least a month's stock when you were doing the higher dollar sales and now you are doing what, 1/30th of the sales now? So you're selling product that is probably Beyond 6 months old which I'm not going to want.

Swanton said on Mon, 1 Apr 2024 at 17:01...

I thought you sold your business already or had it for sale?
I agree with anon for sure, not good let people know you are making $40 per weeks......that's gonna get people to want to buy from you. Also if you go on Etsy or ebay or whatever, it will just get shut down again and screw over you and more people again.

Starbug said on Tue, 2 Apr 2024 at 12:11...

Ich war so doof und habe dreimal dort eingekauft...
Die Verpackung ist ungeeignet, die Deckel sind kompletter Müll, 5 Flaschen alle bis auf eine ausgelaufen... Die zweite Bestellung wurde nie verschickt, poppersx.com hat keine Rechnung und oder Versand id.... Als Wiedergutmachung wurden mir 5 Flaschen gratis versprochen, ich sollte nur die Versandkosten zahlen, ich zahlte für DHL express und verschickt wurde es mit US Mail Standard.....
Bei der Lieferung waren alles Flaschen ausgelaufen....
Ich habe insgesamt über 400 Euro gezahlt und dafür eine Flasche 15 ml bekommen..... !
Ich habe viel Geld für die lustigen Chemie Experimente gezahlt.... es ist reine Geldverschwendung !!!!

Nico said on Tue, 2 Apr 2024 at 15:09...

you speak very bizarre, Starbug! you are using a translator to speak?

poppersx.com said on Tue, 2 Apr 2024 at 19:04...

every bottle is labled with the date, I never ship anything over 2 months old. batches are made at most 400ml, 26 bottles if they are all 15ml ones, which they never are anymore unless its the n-amyl because I only have 1000ml of the stuff required for making it, 500ml left i have yet to use up... ive been selling at least a couple of bottles a week and I use the stuff alot also and give it to my friends. just look at the date on the bottles, anyone who has ever bought from me before knows I don't ship old stuff. stop being jerks and try my product already. i doupt ill sell my business because i wouldet sell it for less than 5k so i'll be around for awhile i imagine. i'm just upset about the etsy thing still...... really upset....

poppers.com said on Tue, 2 Apr 2024 at 19:06...

sales did pick up for a few days there but have slowed again if I can get back to at least one sale a day that'll be enough to keep going

poppersx.com said on Tue, 2 Apr 2024 at 19:19...

I'm not a good sales person. I'm not a good customer service person. I'm good at making poppers. Damn good. idk what else to say at this point. I know my stuff is top-notch. And everyone who's tried it does also. I get repeat customers, but they don't buy tons of it, one bottle will last most people a month at least, perhaps even 3 months. unless your a nymphomaniac...

I am considering offering something I'm going to call the 'popper plan'. Sign up for a monthly subscription, and I'll send you bottles every month. Would anyone be interested in that? I just need to figure out how to setup the billing part... I have a few ideas on how to achieve it and even be able accept credit card payments automatically, but I don't really want to go through the hassle of setting it up if no one is going to sign up, as I will most likely have to pay some fees up front out of my pocket in order to be able to bill people automatically every month.

poppersx.com said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 10:46...

I may as well post every batch then, even though this has never been a problem before, and never will be, as I will throw stuff out out if it gets bad. I USE IT MYSELF SO I KNOW IF ITS GOOD OR NOT.

butyl: 3-27
n-amyl 2-19 (4 bottles left (site inventory says 60, because I have reagent left still, at this rate, I will NOT be getting more reagent, unless sales pick up that is...)
isopropyl 2-23

I have a bunch of 30ml bottles of butyl and isopropyl. So do I need to jack the price back up to sell them or what?

Starbug said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 15:12...

Ish bin ein beerliner

Guttrunks said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 15:52...

Indeed! It may interest you to know that when President Kennedy made this notable remark in 1963 his words actually meant "I am a jam doughnut" This is why noted German surrealist, Birgit Mistkünstler, created the tribute art instillation. It was attacked in 1974 by a radical student, underwent repair, and was later sold by her heirs.

anonymous said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 22:16...

The alcohols have to be top quality, as fresh from the factory as possible, OR the crude poppers will never be as good as they could be and once the alcohols degrade too much, the poppers will be terrible. Alcohols don't store well once opened. I bought many 500mls one pentanol from TCI. The last one I bought didn't make one good popper. All were duds. TCI refunded my money. Butyl alcohol has to be VERY pure!!! Popper should leave a room smelling like a locker room and have a sweet banana smell residue once it's evaporated, which it does quickly when pure.

poppersx.com said on Thu, 4 Apr 2024 at 07:11...

All my alcohols come in 1000ml bottles, I used to make 2 batches per bottle, but I can make one ~900ml batch and use up the whole bottle now. I think I have things down pretty well now. Even built a chiller out of an ice maker to keep things extra cool during synth. Thing looks dangerous as hell if my neighbors ever see it I'm screwed...

anonymous said on Thu, 4 Apr 2024 at 12:33...

That's good...I recommend using all of each bottle of alcohol as soon as possible....assuming that the alcohol is still fresh, high quality, high purity. There should be a factory seal on each bottle. Hopefully, the factory placed nitrogen or some inert gas in each bottle. O2, Air is not good.

Footluv7777 said on Sun, 7 Apr 2024 at 05:43...

Is there any way to use PayPal to purchase some of your poppers?

poppersx.com said on Tue, 9 Apr 2024 at 01:35...

I've wanted to try bottling under nitrogen but gases are expensive!

No go on paypal, they closed my account long ago. Cashapp is preferred method, also crypto, and slowest is money orders/personal checks.

DICK-DEEP.COM said on Tue, 30 Apr 2024 at 19:58...

Poppers & Sniffer Caps for all sizes - shipped from the EU - discrete WORLDWIDE shipping by DHL - optional insured and tracked premium shipping by DHL - big & increasing variety of Poppers - reasonably priced - lets get naughty! ;-)


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anon said on Mon, 10 Jun 2024 at 09:49...

I'm satisfied with that explanation.

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