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Poppersaromas.eu: Amyl Review

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by jimhopper281@proton.me
on Wed, 27 Mar 2024 at 14:28

jimhopper281@proton.me said on Wed, 27 Mar 2024 at 14:28...

I recently purchased the made in France Amyl brand of poppers from poppersaromas.eu.

Shipping: Shipping was very fast and relatively discreet. Packing list said leather cleaner. I believe it was 5 days from France to Midwest USA. No leaks. Bottles were well sealed and packed.

Price: These were on sale for 8 EUR per 15ml bottle. The label on the bottle listed Amyl nitrite then amyl alcohol. I assume they added the parent alcohol as a preservative.

Effects trial: These were my first time doing poppers, so I started by just doing some while watching TV. No harsh smells. I dipped a piece of paper towel in the poppers and threw that at the bottom of a Yeti mug, taking the cover off to inhale. 10s to initial effects: warm, increased heart rate, nice high feeling. Effects faded after about a minute. I was being pretty conservative, waiting 5-10 minutes to redose.

Effects sexual: After trial to see how my body reacted to the Amyl, I used them again when I was horny and thinking about using my butt plug. Less conservative this time, huge increase in "wanting to get fucked" feeling. Went through a couple 2" x 2" paper towels soaked in Amyl each night for a few nights in a row, huffing every couple minutes. Initial effects were always strong, and I was able to build into a nice zone after 10 minutes or so, but I noticed on the 3rd night I used 3 paper towel squares and the effects didn't seem as strong. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the overalll % of amyl-OH to amyl nitrite.

Side effects: Nothing huge. Felt a little tight in the lungs and loose in the ass after 3-night binge.

Overall, very good from a beginner's perspective. I would really like to try some pure amyl nitrite to see if effects can be prolonged.

jimhopper281@proton.me said on Wed, 27 Mar 2024 at 14:46...

PS - I was on 20mg of THC edibles during the masturbation episode and it was amazing with the poppers.

PeterPopper said on Wed, 27 Mar 2024 at 23:17...

Sounds like you got lucky with them. I tried ordering from poppersaromas.eu 3 times and it was awful. 1st order got stuck in customs, 2nd order was stale and have 2 leaking bottles. 3rd Order I was missed 2 bottles from my order of 10..... I would never order from them again. Horrible waste of time and money. I stick within the US now, even though amyl isn't here really.

Thanks, for the long review and glad it worked out for you. Hopefully others who order from then don't get screwed over like me and have better luck. I like my orders coming within a few days, and don't trust overseas at all.

Susie - Aromas Customer Service said on Thu, 28 Mar 2024 at 13:07...

We always try to offer an alternative for our customers who faced a rejection or have a problem with our products, I'm very surprised by your feedback.

Did you contact us at contact@poppers-aromas.eu ? Please share your order reference by email and if possible pictures of the leak and details about the stale product so we can help the best we can.

Looking forward to your reply,

PeterPopper said on Thu, 28 Mar 2024 at 14:23...

@Susie - Aromas Customer Service,
I did contact you guys and you sent me a replacement package for the 2nd order which finally got to me after a few weeks. One of the Rush bottle seemed ok the others still stale or non potent at all. I ordered from you guys 3 years ago so I will see if I have still have the order reference # and emails you guys sent me. I did take 2 pictures but I don't know if I have them anymore.

Honestly though, have 3 years and 3 trys with you guys, no offense, I will not buy from you again. I appreciate you reaching out, but I have found much better companies with better products and service who I have better luck with. Just wanted to share my opinion. If you go on reddit, there are a lot more unsatisfied customers who have ordered from you guys, that you can probably address their concerns as well and maybe gain some of those customers back as well.

SkegnessLad said on Tue, 2 Apr 2024 at 10:13...

.....I'm very surprised by your feedback.

nah..Pete is obviously a total jerk! Angry of Mayfair LOL..(google him).looks to me like you did right by him, Susie...there is no pleasing some people...
yeah and i order from Poppersaromas.eu...all good, no problems, but then I do have a life and dont dress up in suspenders and attack peeps with me umbrella and I live in Skeggy!

Anonymous said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 13:53...

WalkerJones42 said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 00:03...

No one is perfect for sure. Businesses will have mistakes from time to time. Sounds like pete was an unlucky customer for sure. I'm sure there are a lot of happy customers that order from poppers aroma.eu. I'm sure there are customers who have had bad experiences from there too. Gotta take the good with the bad. I personally prefer the us companies only, even if the bottles aren't as strong as the over seas bottles but that's just me. Plus I also have had problems with customs, but was fixed the next week.

One good review from a business doesn't make the business good to order from, as one bad one doesn't make it a bad one either. People just have to search around until they find something they like. Main Labs and 4Solvents are my go to sites. I like main labs as they take cards on their site and ship super fast and have a huge selection. 4Solvents is ok too. Popper King is good for learning a lot of info too as well.

WalkerJones42 said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 14:48...

Wonder why my comment got deleted? Maybe I said something wrong or bad lol. I don't know. Was just my opinion. Thanks Anonymous for reposting it. Didn't think that commented violated any of the rules of this site, or the owner of the site just didn't like the opinion?


SkegnessLad said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 19:16...

prolly a tech malfunction courtesy of fat fingers Mam lol

Me again said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 20:14...

My comment got deleted too. simply saying that said company i no longer order from because of continued poor quality

anonymous said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 21:53...

I ordered from Popper Aromas 3 times...3rd time bottles were old, LRM codes were old, so they were dead. PA didn't care so I didn't order again. LRM has codes on each bottle indicating age so the retailers know exactly when they are shipping older bottles and not newer.

Same with the German company selling LRM poppers. 5 bottles, 3 different codes. two bottles with same newer code last 2 weeks after opening....the others, older code, lasted a few days.

Camphor said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 22:20...

.3rd time

but what about the first two, y'all said they were awesome and folks had to shower u down with a hose; you were speaking in tongues so awash with ecstatic joy and loving for PAs LRM! you declared a new Jerusalem of poppers had been found that Blessed Day!

where is your buddy from Nebraska?

Swanton said on Thu, 4 Apr 2024 at 14:47...

I'm surprised at your feedback Lad lol. Someone gives their opinion and you don't like it.....He's a jerk! LOL....sounds like you're a JOKE! Poppersaromas.eu is absolutely garbage.....end of story. And yes, can't please all people....especially with their service. You prolly have Fat fingers too lad :-) :-) :O

jerk said on Sun, 7 Apr 2024 at 10:54...

Pa stuff is so bad now. its so weak. do they think long standing customers will keep ordering.

its all crap....

Swanton said on Mon, 8 Apr 2024 at 17:39...

Totally Agree!!

poppers man said on Sat, 13 Apr 2024 at 14:15...

Yeah P@ppers aromas eu stuff is useless... Dont order from them now.

jimee said on Sat, 13 Apr 2024 at 21:47...

i dont know anyone that orders from poppers aromas now. seems everyone is fed up with the same issue of leaky bottles and useless stuff. when i use to order from them the package on the last 4 orders the package turned up stinking from leaking bottles caused by loose lids. this meant what was left in the bottle was useless as all the good vapours had escaped.

i really dont understand why they kept shipping out crap and expecting people to re order from them

Saily said on Tue, 28 May 2024 at 15:03...

I used to order from poppers aroma. First couple times not bad. Some good some bad… comes with the territory of ordering and shipping overseas. Second and third order was mostly all stale. No reply from customer service and stopped buying

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