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Swollen hands and fingers

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Footluv777
on Wed, 27 Mar 2024 at 04:38

Footluv777 said on Wed, 27 Mar 2024 at 04:38...

I have been having a problem with my hands and fingers feeling swollen, and inflamed. I am trying to figure out why before going to a doctor.
I was thinking possibly my popper use could be the problem, have any of you experienced this from poppers.

popperslutboi said on Wed, 27 Mar 2024 at 06:30...

Have been using poppers for 30 years never had this problem, i think its gout from too much alcohol you need to get a blood test to find out your uric acid level is too high.

Ye Olde Queene said on Fri, 29 Mar 2024 at 07:45...

People blame poppers for all sorts of things! the most amazing one was fungal growth on toe nails (true) lol Yeah, peeps who use poppers are often piss-pots, stoners, psychos, and hypochondriacs. Poppers have not YET been blamed for creating plagues, crop failures, natural disasters, margarine breakdowns, financial misfortune, hail storms, automobile accidents, The Trump Family or Giuliani's hair dye fail at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping car lot.

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