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business for sale

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by poppersx.com
on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 at 00:21

poppersx.com said on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 at 00:21...

includes leather-cleaner.net, nitrites.net and poppersx.com. Enough sodium nitrite for $250,000 worth of product. Custom made equipment and instructions how to produce a 1000ml of product in a single batch, batches take ~6 hours start to finish, 3 hours of that is just waiting for reagents to freeze, the actual synthesis takes ~3/4 hours at most. make offers. I saw an extremely disturbing video a day or two ago I'll be spending the rest of my days trying to get that out of my head.

poppersx.com said on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 at 06:12...

still open for business though and filling orders as they come in, if you have purchased in the past please leave a review on my website, ty.

Vicky said on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 at 08:36...

I need popopers wher u get in hyderabad

Ozark Intellectual said on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 at 12:26...

wher u get in hyderabad

U should lower yourself in real gentle, ensuring that the water is not too hot.

> I saw an extremely disturbing video a day or two ago

Disconnect NewsMax; the "Orange Man" upset my raccoons...got all hissy and all when he start a ranting and a raving, and a smirking and a wavin' i notice owls hooot hooot when Rudy Giuliani is on.

>extremely disturbing

Sebastian Gorka for sure

Poppers User said on Mon, 18 Mar 2024 at 15:34...

poppersx.com, are you selling the business because of the video you saw? Did the video have to do with poppers abuse?

Libtard said on Wed, 20 Mar 2024 at 01:31...

Orange man baaaad

Guttrunks said on Fri, 22 Mar 2024 at 11:45...

Negotiating the sale of any mercantile enterprise is fraught with risk, Gentlemen. The commercial world is, as one great thinker wrote, like an anthill teeming with charlatans, mountebanks, cut purses, ne'er-do-well speculators, and promoters of dubious Latin American railroads. I have been bitten many times by Mercurius, and have sought haven in the rarefied other world of Academe, let her tranquil waters and dignity restore your faith in that troubled being, Man.

Beware the solicitations of Nigerian "Royalty", and of ladies from The Philippine Islands; walk with care in this hothouse of intrigue and duplicity that is 21st Century "Civilization"! Beware!

King Vitaman said on Fri, 22 Mar 2024 at 12:50...

Take up the White Man's burden --

No tawdry rule of kings,

But toil of serf and sweeper --

The tale of common things.

The ports ye shall not enter,

The roads ye shall not tread,

Go make them with your living,

And mark them with your dead!

Pongo said on Sun, 24 Mar 2024 at 10:14...

I am a fan of his French Fancies, but Jam Tarts are not that great. Viennese whirls....exceedingly good?? Noooo!

anonymous said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 22:02...

Poppers not made with high purity, 99.9%, alcohols, are going to be impure and likely produce more toxic, less effective and off odor crude poppers. Alcohols do degrade, after bottling(slowly) and after opening(fairly quickly) and then product suffers and is highly variable. Distillation is imperative if alcohol purity is not high enough. The higher the better. The alcohol molecule is much more complex than the sodium nitrite and so can degrade into many products, ketones, aldehydes, acids, etc., all of which interfere with the popper synthesis.

anonymous said on Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 22:07...

So good crude poppers = highest quality alcohols possible during each reaction. N-amyl alcohol produces the least toxic poppers and so can be used longer for extended sessions. Isoamyl alcohol produces a similar popper but its odor degrades quickly and mental effects aren't as good.

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