Poppers Poppers Guide Poppers Forum Poppers Reviews

need reviews please - verified customers only

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by poppersx.com
on Wed, 6 Mar 2024 at 04:50

poppersx.com said on Wed, 6 Mar 2024 at 04:50...

If you have ordered from me before (poppersx.com) and received a good bottle (not one of the leaky ones from 9 months ago...) please consider leaving a review, I have zero reviews so far!!

If you got a bad bottle a long time ago, please say something so I can send you a replacement (I think I got at least a few sent out long ago but may have missed some customers).

Sales are starting to pick up a little bit finally, not anything like etsy but one/ two a week are better than nothing! :-)

arosebyanyothername said on Wed, 6 Mar 2024 at 19:50...

After Karen made it difficult to obtain sodium nitrite, I found myself ordering from poppersx.com. The product was very good quality, fresh amyl nitrite, albeit in a tiny ass bottle. I think they sell larger 15ml bottles now. I'm back to DIY, but I still recommend poppersx.com.

Al Kaholik said on Wed, 6 Mar 2024 at 23:04...

Are you taking about the karen that killet itself? I am at a loss too. Its family members and lawyers should kill themselves too...anyone that supported the lawsuits. KYS, please!

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