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Fake poppers

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by PopperGuy
on Sun, 18 Feb 2024 at 20:16

PopperGuy said on Sun, 18 Feb 2024 at 20:16...

Just wanted to share that poppers-aromas.eu and poppers-shop.de/at also have fake poppers. Not on the pics, but once you order, you see that it is the same shit in different bottles (same mistakes) from 3 different brands..

Very disappointed…

Especially poppers-shop.at is fake AF. Pentyl nitrite (Original Black Label, Amsterdam, Republik)..no effect at all.

Moo said on Sun, 18 Feb 2024 at 22:32...

Pentyl nitrite (Original Black Label, Amsterdam): So not "fake" at all...the formula for Amsterdam is PENTYL! But don't let your own prejudice get in the way of the truth, eh. How old are you? Over 50? Poor circulation? High cholesterol, obese? .no effect at all....sure. Moo.

Pontymython said on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 at 00:25...

I can back this up. The pentyl stuff is fake, trying to get real Lockerroom Jungle Juice in Europe now is a problem. Shout loud if you know where it can be found.

PopperGuy said on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 at 09:20...

Yes, it is getting extremely hard to get the good quality product nowadays. I will stick to amyl (isopentyl) nitrite, isopropyl nitrite. For sure dumping that pentyl shit (not getting me to the same rush), if that even is pentyl that i got..

Moo..i am fit, young and horny. I tell you, this pentyl nitrite stuff not only does not work for me, but is also very shady. The 3 different brands have the same shitty stuff that produces minimal effect…In addition to this pentyl nitrites are a boner killer, which makes me question what is in the bottle.

Bloc89 said on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 at 14:15...

It is true what PopperGuy said the whole stuff in ervery shop in Europe is from the same company and absolutly rubbish iám realy sad about that, still want the good stuff back!

Moo said on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 at 19:12...

Well this is a total bunch of crap! plenty of misleading info! not sure where to start....

>>isopropyl nitrite....oh yeah that stuff is amazing, Mr Magooo...WTF! are you nutz?

>>from the same company ...no it is not. there are about 6 manufacturers in Europe, France, Belgium, plus LRM distribution etc, UK has its own.

>> The 3 different brands...none of those you talk of are actually LRM, like Jungle Juice Plus. probably are the same manufacturer, and??? you don't like it because it interferes with your erection! oooh I wonder why a nitrite might do that? you think poppers are good for erections....NEVER NEVER MIX WITH hardon pills! you guys seem like the "finger in electric socket" types...so BEWARE...also stay clear of isopropyl, or you will get a shock.

anonymous said on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 at 20:49...

Amyl/pentyl nitrite should have ample potency with a small whiff IF it's pure enough. Once it gets old or degrades for any reason, it gets weaker and more unpleasant.

Isopentyl nitrite degrades quickly into a funky odor, but it can still have a strong ass relax effect with slower side effects than IPN, BN or IBN. The isopentyl sample I got from TCI smelled funky, but gave a strong ass relax with one whiff. Not much else worth noting, As it changes/degrades, its effects change, sometimes it improves a bit before going dead.

LockerRoom makes amyl, but the date of manufacture matters a lot. There are codes easily seen on the bottles. Figure out which codes are freshest.

poppersx.com said on Wed, 21 Feb 2024 at 23:51...

Codes? Or just buy from me, I print the date of manufacture on every single bottle. No codes, just the date...

Bloc89 said on Thu, 22 Feb 2024 at 14:54...

@Moo There is no poppers with an effect in Europe the last time i got good stuff that works was 2017 , i bought it from France. All the internet stuff in Europe is fake!

itsonlyme said on Thu, 22 Feb 2024 at 21:48...

i agree.

been using poppers eu for about 5 years. i have stopped for the minute as is all simply crap and poor quality. i have moaned a couple of times to them and they have replaced but the quality is so bad now that i cannot be bothered....

Meh said on Sun, 25 Feb 2024 at 21:33...

I ordered amyl and isoamyl poppers from them and while they were strong, all they did was give me a head high. It was disappointing. They only worked if I sniffed when fully turned on before climax, but didnt do anything at all before that point other than kill the urge. Is that how amyl is supposed to work?

Also ordered butyl poppers from 4solvents and so far the first two I opened have been complete scentless bunk. (Pigsweat 30ml and jj plat 10ml). It`Il be my first time throwing away new bottles of poppers. I ordered 5 bottles from them (the jj 3pack and the bunk ones) and I'm suspecting those will all be the same.

Meh said on Sun, 25 Feb 2024 at 21:35...

Also all the EU poppers turned my lips and face blue.
The 4solvents poppers don`t do that at least but that's probably because it`s filled with water perhaps.

Meh said on Sun, 25 Feb 2024 at 22:30...

Well, I opened up a new bottle, this time it was jj plus I got from 4solvents, thinking I was going to bin them all, but this one actually has a bit of a scent and is actually strong and really long lasting high so idk what's up with the other bottles I opened. I think those bottles were just stale which isn't too uncommon I guess.

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