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Best 2024 Canadians?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by rink rat
on Sat, 10 Feb 2024 at 18:00

rink rat said on Sat, 10 Feb 2024 at 18:00...

Anyone had any luck recently? I had two packages taken by CBSA :-( this totally sucks

Hmmm said on Sat, 10 Feb 2024 at 23:35...

Well that sucks. My order is about 16 days now since being placed.
How did you know cbsa has taken them?

I swear it's the best kept secret... said on Sun, 11 Feb 2024 at 08:07...

BuyNitrousOnline.com works well for me and my acquaintances. They've shipped on a few occasions to myself in Toronto, and to some friends I have in MTL and Calgary. Not once has our stuff gotten pinched.

They do pack the items extremely securely -- so much so that my Calgary bud thought it was a completely different item LOL. Prices are a tad high, but they get past Customs reliably (unlike Poppers-Aromas) and the products are 100% real, so I'm still very happy.

I find them especially useful for Canadians since they carry both US Butyl and European Amyl/Pentyl/Propyl products. There's no toggling between different websites to get one or the other, just add what you want to your shopping cart and check out.

I swear it's the best kept secret... said on Sun, 11 Feb 2024 at 08:08...

BuyNitrousOnline.com works well for me and my acquaintances. They've shipped on a few occasions to myself in Toronto, and to some friends I have in MTL and Calgary. Not once has our stuff gotten pinched.

They do pack the items extremely securely -- so much so that my Calgary bud thought it was a completely different item LOL. Prices are a tad high, but they get past Customs reliably (unlike Poppers-Aromas) and the products are 100% real, so I'm still very happy.

I find them especially useful for Canadians since they carry both US Butyl and European Amyl/Pentyl/Propyl products. There's no toggling between different websites to get one or the other, just add what you want to your shopping cart and check out.

Rose Hardon said on Sun, 18 Feb 2024 at 14:44...

>this totally sucks

sucks? ordering a product which is uniquely prohibited by Canada, and not getting it?

woodman said on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 at 10:58...

Yup...that's the John Candy Fan Club for you, eh? List of things that TRULY suck:

Genital Warts
Trump Family
Trump's Never Surrender High-Top Sneaker (only 399 bucks a pair) probably the greatest sneaker ever!
Pubic lice
Rudy Giuliani
Intestinal worms
Anyone on Newsmax

Anonymous said on Thu, 22 Feb 2024 at 07:48...

Rudy Giuliani?

Stop your messing around;
Better think of your future,
Time to straighten right out,
Creating problems in town.
A message to you, Rudy.
A message to you.

Do not forget that Rudy single-handedly vanquished the mafia! at a time when they were falling apart at the seams, squashed crime in Times Square by moving it to different districts in New York, and behaved very nicely during 9/11. Rudy likes a drink, uses hair dye, some say he is slowly transforming into The Penguin, probably after being bitten by a ferret. Rudy has a long history with ferrets....strange man.

Kosher Kevin said on Sun, 25 Feb 2024 at 21:40...

Rudy G is a lawyer and represented the outfit (Purdue Pharma) that sold Oxycontin. My recollection is The Penguin had an umbrella that spurted purple gas, and he stole diamond encrusted eggs etc from museums. It is true that physically Rudy G might resemble Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, but I do not think he ever practiced law, had any known hatred for ferrets, nor put his hands down his trousers in front of Borat's daughter. Has Rudy started carrying an umbrella?

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