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Poppers for bottoms

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Bottomslut
on Mon, 29 Jan 2024 at 11:51

Bottomslut said on Mon, 29 Jan 2024 at 11:51...

Rush is my goto - relaxes me and allows me to have great anal orgasms without feeling too bad after. Perhaps they are a bit intense though for when I’m with a top. Any recommendations that will still turn me into a slutty bottom but without the intensity/ better duration…

PentylFan said on Mon, 29 Jan 2024 at 16:54...

Bottomslut, I'm also a bottom and for me Pentyl (Amyl) is the way to go! Total slut sensation, relaxes your ass and makes penetration really enjoyable. It lasts longer than Propyl (which I believe Rush is), and instead of hitting you like a brick, it sort of "ramps up". Give it a try, you might really like it. The hard thing is that you can never be sure of what really is inside the bottle, even when it says it on the label. I've been using it for some time now so I can definitely tell the difference (at least between the Propyl and the Pentyl). By the way, Rush are my least favorite. Too strong, headache immediately follows and leaves you feeling like crap the day after.

SkegnessLad said on Mon, 29 Jan 2024 at 17:44...

@PentylFan: you should avoid all products containing propyl. It lasts longer than Propyl (which I believe Rush is).....no, but Rush UK Formula is!

Pentyl (Amyl) is the best way to go I agree, favorite? Jungle Juice Plus?

PentylFan said on Mon, 29 Jan 2024 at 20:57...

I've seen Jungle Juice Plus advertised (in the ingredients section) as Isopropyl and also as Pentyl. My guess is that whoever writes the website or even the label on the bottle copies this from someplace else and has no real idea of what's inside the bottle. They might not even know what these words mean. It really is kind of a lottery, unless you make your own.

SkegnessLad said on Mon, 29 Jan 2024 at 21:59...

i think you will find there are different manufacturers....some who piggy back on the back of popular brands (Rush, JJ) and put Propyl in it. I mean Rush UK Formula is actually Propyl, cus that is what is legal, and cheaper than Pentyl also. Rush is Butyl. Same story with Jungle Juice Plus, which is made by LockerRoom and is pentyl/amyl, but there are UK varieties of that...and USA JJ containing Hexyl. So, my guess is they know what is inside, but want to sell bottles, so call it something well known. I mean for fooks sake, how many different types of Rush are there....I lost count! and the sales copy is total baloney. There was some cool American producer who gave an interview and said...it is all the same, only difference is the label! hahaha....well, depends where you are also..

PentylFan said on Mon, 29 Jan 2024 at 22:28...

"There was some cool American producer who gave an interview and said...it is all the same, only difference is the label!"... Well it is most definitely not all the same hehe... You can tell from the first hit. Propyl is sharp and brief, pentyl is smooth and longer lasting. Butyl is a nice compromise, it is actually the one I prefer to make at home. I avoid propyl always, not only because of the eye damaging effects, but also because it really leaves you feeling like crap. Usually when I'm on vacation, I buy 3 or 4 bottles of different brands, if I see that one is propyl I immediately dump it in the sink and don't buy that brand again (at least in that shop). But as you said, the same brand in a different country might be something completely different (there is no guarantee even if it is really the brand that it says on the label).

SkegnessLad said on Mon, 29 Jan 2024 at 23:25...

hi, yeah in the USA will be iso butyl or hexyl....no pentyl.

most people avoid Propyl :-) and did you ever have that spin off iso amyl? not heard a good word about that...hahaha

> pentyl is smooth and longer lasting

oh yes, you are right...smooth and sensuous...

Phil said on Tue, 30 Jan 2024 at 05:04...

@All Above: The "cool American producer who gave the interview and said... it is all the same, only difference is the label" was the man who sold the original RUSH back in the 1980's when the original Pacific West Distributing (PWD) was the manufacturer of these popper products.
This story has been previously told in detail by another participant on this Forum.
PWD manufactured the RUSH label, as well as numerous other labels (Quick Silver, etc) and they were all the same formula - Butyl Nitrite.
It was just a marketing gimmick aimed at the gay user community back in those days.

Webcam said on Tue, 30 Jan 2024 at 09:30...

Hi Phil,

say what???

"was the man who sold the original RUSH back in the 1980's when the original Pacific West"

No. It was not Joe Miller who committed suicide, it was another person.

"Butyl Nitrite"

Isobutyl nitrite, C4H9NO2 not Butyl nitrite CH3(CH2)3ONO

"It was just a marketing gimmick aimed at the gay user community back in those days"

No, poppers are hardly a gimmick like Spanish Fly and stuff.

Bottomslut said on Wed, 31 Jan 2024 at 10:57...

Glad that’s cleared that up then? lol

That's right, dear. said on Thu, 8 Feb 2024 at 10:00...

True. We are now truly enlightened as regards poppers for bottoms, as opposed to tops, but stop! poppers are only intended for bottoms, so it is like Tucker Carlson...pointless and full of hot air (noxious air in Tuckerboy's case)

and 2 little known unconnected facts about Bubba the Love Sponge:

Bubba was once sued by a porn star alleging he "penetrated her with an oversized sex toy against her will" on air.

Bubba is buddies with Tuckerboy "He assured me he's not mad at me, and said we're still friends," Bubba said. "I don't think this will affect Tucker one bit. He's way too big ..."

Big? too big to handle. Let's watch him rip into Putin, pounding away with his incisive, intelligent, journalism, and opening Putin right up....for all to see...the gaping hole of darkness that is Bad Bad Vlad. Hooorah!

winnipeg(mature) said on Mon, 26 Feb 2024 at 14:33...

I always wonder what these people do in the private.

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