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Poppers in Vienna

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by ViennaTraveller
on Sun, 21 Jan 2024 at 22:21

ViennaTraveller said on Sun, 21 Jan 2024 at 22:21...

Are poppers legal in Austria? Are they easy to find in Vienna? Anybody knows where they can be found? Thank you for any information!

Tarquin de Baiser Noir said on Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 13:29...

I think there are adult stores in Stuwerviertel area. If they allow you to buy poppers not sure, maybe unter dem tisch? but that is the red light zone, so I am guessing that is yr best bet. maybe watch yourself with the folks that walk the street round there, yes. I have no idea if poppers are legal in Austria, they are in France, and maybe nobody cares...update us?

michaelfarout said on Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 13:39...

You can buy them in gayshops like man4man (google it). There are no legal problems with poppers in Austria. You can buy them openly, I do it regularly. Have fun!

ViennaTraveller said on Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 15:20...

Thank you for the responses! After my trip I'll update this topic with my experience there.

Tyrol Dog said on Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 18:36...

Bought some online from a Czech store (gaymegastore) and they arrived today without any issues. :-) as far as I know they arent illegal either since its considered a "leather cleaner" or "air freshener". Basically as legal as "bath salts"

gobble said on Wed, 24 Jan 2024 at 12:53...

do not forget to eat that cake they have there! sacher.....tasty. there is also some very cool traditional Austrian food like a type of boiled beef that is awesome and the friend chicken....ooooh man.....yeah.

One of Vlad Putin's fave restaurants is in Vienna...hehehhe...well he will not be booking no table again.....

ViennaTraveller ENJOY! and tell us all about the high life (food culture) and the lowlife...hehehehe

Guttrunks said on Wed, 24 Jan 2024 at 19:47...

Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria enjoyed the "boiled beef" you speak of, Sir. It is called Tafelspitz.

gobble: I imagine you also reference the "Wiener Scnitzel" a dish of Italian origin and originally known as a Milanese cutlet.

Another famous, or rather infamous, Austrian's diet may also intrigue readers. It is wholly incorrect to say that this person was a vegetarian, he was very partial to river trout, among other non vegetarian items. It is however correct that he did consume large amounts of uncooked vegetables, resulting in severe abdominal bloating and cramps. I ask you to look at Hitler's clothing, it is sometimes loose, after a gaseous evacuation, and later tight fitting, indicating that abdominal gases are trapped in his gut. This discomfort led to him taking "potions" that we would know today as dangerous narcotics, hallucinogens, and constipation aids. Whilst under the influence of these "potions" he would talk incessantly, and go into rages about obscure subjects; on one night in June of 1942 he spoke for three and a half hours on the subject of mice infestation. Hitler believed that mice were eating the foundations of The Berghof, and was often seen stamping on non existent rodents throughout his later life. His hallucinations were also the result of his "potions", my theory has long been that Hitler's diet, and intoxicated state, are a very important factor in explaining his demise.

ViennaTraveller said on Thu, 25 Jan 2024 at 14:14...

So what you're saying is that 6 million people could have been spared if someone had cooked Hitler's vegetables? Interesting theory...

Guttrunks said on Fri, 26 Jan 2024 at 11:30...

I am most certainly not saying that, ViennaTraveller. The architects of mass murder, torture, and grotesque abuse, are infamous criminals in their own right, and are culpable. It is my contention that Kershaw is correct when he asserts that the machinery of Third Reich was designed around the concept of "working towards" id est acting in their own squalid interests, in devising and executing schemes designed to seek favor with The Berghof Gang. One should be careful here, Hitler certainly knew of, and authorized, the outrages committed by his underlings, but spent much of his time asleep, on the toilet, or boring guests with his ignorant (he was not educated) and superficial ramblings on unusual subjects. I assume you are aware he often rose at noon, had tea parties, and watched films? His relationship with dogs is another matter that is deserving of scrutiny.

My contention has always been that Hitler was a drug addict, his medicine for his upset stomach, was laced with narcotics by a quack doctor. This does not absolve him from his infamous deeds. Goering was also an addict, and of course a kleptomaniac.

pooh! said on Fri, 26 Jan 2024 at 19:57...

Interesting theory...

yes indeeedeee!!....how about... Napoleon Bonaparte had lactating breasts.. The Epic of Gilgamesh was written by Tolkien... Mussolini wore a corset and raised platform shoes, etc etc etc..all c/o old flubbernuts himself...."DR" GUTTRUNK!

ViennaTraveller said on Fri, 26 Jan 2024 at 22:28...

"I assume you are aware he often rose at noon, had tea parties, and watched films?"... You assume incorrectly, I wasn't particularly aware of Hitler's personal habits until you pointed them out. Anyway, this thread has taken a weird turn, I just wanted to know where to buy poppers in Vienna for my next trip there. For anyone who came here looking for the same information, besides the Man For Man sex shop suggested above by michaelfarout, there is another sexshop called "The Sex Shop Vienna" that is supposed to have them. I myself haven't been there yet, so these are just my pre-travel findings. I'll report back after I go.

gobble said on Sat, 27 Jan 2024 at 11:50...

>>>>I'll report back after I go.

that does sounds good :-) please make a new thread like Vienna Trip Report

User said on Wed, 31 Jan 2024 at 06:49...

apple strudel with vanilla ice cream please

Anonymous said on Fri, 2 Feb 2024 at 22:07...

i know i shouldn't ask but what the heck has Napoleon's tits gotta do with it? he was a dude! u mean he was fat like had man boobs?? wtf...

Guttrunks said on Sun, 4 Feb 2024 at 16:38...

The reference to Napoleon Bonaparte is an attempt to ridicule me, Sir.

I am well aware of who "pooh" is, a former inhabitant of a now defunct, and long forgotten, Tolkien chat room. This individual follows me like a rabid dog on the streets of Calcutta, waiting for its chance to nip flesh and inject poison. Those interested in learned discourse, who are civilized, respectful, hygienic of mind and body, and not frequenters of debauches, rabble rousing congregations, nor indulge in public brawls over petty matters relating to Sméagol, may address me. "Pooh" may not!

pooh! said on Tue, 6 Feb 2024 at 12:31...

I was not talking to YOU! just sending up a warning flare! as usual...Hitler's tummy troubles....plus other crazy theories....Napoleon escaped Elba as a women...after growing titties.... Bonnie Prince Charlie was trans gender and called Miss Betty Burke...you name it....I see Hitler's dog is in for the GUTRUNK treatment next...

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