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No one gonna wish me Happy Birthday ??

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Elvis
on Mon, 8 Jan 2024 at 21:03

Elvis said on Mon, 8 Jan 2024 at 21:03...

It's my birthday !! 89 fuckin years old today. Off to do some poppers to celebrate !!

octogenarian said on Mon, 8 Jan 2024 at 21:11...

Happy Birthday to you! Congratulations on achieving such a fine age!

Rob the Aurora said on Mon, 8 Jan 2024 at 23:37...

Congrats on your lengthy visitation to planet earth!

Organogram said on Tue, 9 Jan 2024 at 00:25...

Happy birthday, Elvis!

Mainlabswebsite.com said on Tue, 9 Jan 2024 at 00:26...

Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a great and relaxing day!


Hoo said on Tue, 9 Jan 2024 at 12:42...

I might add that you share your birthday with Kim Jong un, his grandfather was born under a rainbow at Mount Paektu, when his dad popped out, at the same mountain, then a new star suddenly appeared in the sky. I hope that you enjoyed your special day and the cake was to your liking.

Kosher Kevin said on Tue, 9 Jan 2024 at 20:02...

Oy vey! Happy Birthday already! Yom HuLedet Sameach! you reach a venereal age! what your secret?? bottle it an sell it!

Elvis said on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 at 15:58...

Thank you all for the kind words. It warms my heart. What's my secret for living to a ripe old age ? One word. Pussy. I know most lads here play for the other team. But I love that sweet poontang. And I've had plenty. From LA to NYC. My saying was : If the tour bus is a rockin', don't come a knockin'.

The one I miss the most was from my home town. The lovely Ms Lisa Marie. Bad drug problem though. Loved her pills. She came in late one night after her late shift down at the Waffle House. High as a kite. She had no idea who I even was. Needless to say, a couple of hours later she was calling me Frank. Oh Frank..Oh Oh Frank. Then she started calling me Dean. Dean, Dean. Oh yes Dean. Give it to me. Harder Dean. She had no idea it was my cock she was riding. I tell you though. We went all night till morning.

Miss that gal. Sadly, she passed away recently. Guess I'm gonna outlive them all.

Kosher Kevin said on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 at 16:54...

You ain't nothin' but a hound dog! WOOF! sweet poontang cures all ills, a long life, health, and prosperity for all.

M. O. Rose said on Fri, 12 Jan 2024 at 11:51...

No one gonna wish me Happy Birthday ??

No, I do not know you. I mean I do not wish you an Unhappy Birthday, but I can say I am rather indifferent to how happy it is/was. Birthdays are usually very disappointing and depressing affairs anyway, I suggest you get drunk and involve yourself in a dispute, and later a melee. This is a suitable salutation to the anniversary of our nascency

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