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Who are we voting for in 2024 US elections??

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Tri Curious
on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 at 17:40

Tri Curious said on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 at 17:40...

who's on the US poppers ballot?

PJ Watts said on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 at 17:43...

Hunter if theyll let em.

ABT said on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 at 18:58...

ABT....ANYONE BUT TRUMP! what a fucking disaster movie he is! I cannot believe that anyone could be dumb enough to swallow his bullshit...Vivek Ramaswamy is like the Son of Frankenstein!....look at his policy on Taiwan:

Ramaswamy says "we will defend Taiwan until we achieve semi conductor independence...I expect that to happen by the end of my first term, by 2028." He calls for putting guns in "every Taiwanese household" in order to deter China from invading

It is hard to believe that people like Trump and Ramaswamy are even allowed to stand for office! What a fuck up GOP has become! So sad they are allowed to squander the legacy of great Republicans from back in the day.

M.T. Greene said on Thu, 28 Dec 2023 at 12:51...

I'd urge my good friend George Santos to run.

Anonymous said on Thu, 28 Dec 2023 at 15:49...

Same candidate as every election....... Mickey Mouse!

MAGA ME NOW! said on Thu, 28 Dec 2023 at 16:43...

Ramaswamy is a SUPER HIGH IQ GENIUS!


we will defend Taiwan until we achieve semi conductor independence..

when we get semi conductors we will feed the Taiwanese to the Chinese lion! Super ruthless! He has balls of titanium as he also *tells* the Taiwan people that in 2028 we are soooo OUT of there, bros! Like....send us semi conductor until 2028...then we fuck you over....

He calls for putting guns in "every Taiwanese household" in order to deter China from invading

Chinese army will truly shit their sweat pants if they think civilians have guns at home! Great opportunity for US gun makers and NRA! also many Trump voters will like to spend vacation in Taipei shooting at stuff like animals or whatever? it is a win win win for all!

I hope President Trump puts Ramaswamy in charge of diplomatic foreign affairs and the military...this guy show great understanding and is a genius.

During a summer 2019 hunting trip, Donald Trump Jr. killed a rare argali sheep in Mongolia. It get better: Humpback dolphin only 100 left in whole world!!!!!.. in Taiwan!!! Trump can shoot Humpback dolphins....and pay big bucks for that....everyone is a winner, baby.

anti Zionist said on Thu, 28 Dec 2023 at 22:00...

Not voting for anyone bought by AIPAC, the Israeli lobby that owns Congress, except for the 4% who don't love Israel.

Anonymous said on Thu, 28 Dec 2023 at 22:53...

Do you support the death cult of Hamas? Sponsored by Mullahs in Tehran who hang teenagers by the neck with cranes for being gay then? Take a look at what you are saying before grabbing the cloak of woke when confronted by complex questions! Israel is a successful liberal democracy surrounded by bloody thirsty sleazebags...like Bashar al-Assad, Ebrahim Raisi...

what you think the US would do if its citizens were slaughtered, raped, and kidnapped? I can tell you....what the IDF are doing now.....removing the threat. That is their right!

anti Zionist said on Fri, 29 Dec 2023 at 19:34...

All Israeli talking points and false propaganda. I would have bought all that except I educated myself post Oct 7, having had very little knowledge previously.

Israeli is a "limited" democracy meaning it's not all inclusive. Israel was founded as a Jewish dominated theocracy first and foremost. The 10-20% Arab citizens are always going to stay a small minority with only partial rights....no right of return once they leave Israel for example. Israel only accepts JEWS as immigrants, no Christians, no Muslims, ONLY JEWS.

The Zionists had the original intention of displacing all the Palestinians from 1900 onward in order to establish their JEW dominated state. They used the British military to help them expel Arabs and wanted Truman to expel 5 to 6 million more to Iraq. The Zionist Jews have a long history of massacres towards the Arabs in order to expel them.

This all happened in the 20th Century. After 1948, all the UN resolutions were ignored by Israel, which is why illegal settlements have been happening since 1967 in the West Bank and previously in Gaza.

The pro Israel lobbies own Congress and they should be listed as foreign entities as they lobby ONLY for a foreign country.

anti Zionist said on Fri, 29 Dec 2023 at 19:37...

I would add that 7 million Jews in Israel are far outnumbered by the 400 million regional Arabs and the 2 billion Muslims...all of whom they have made enemies for the sake of Zionism. The USA starting WWIII over 7 million isolated Jews who stole Palestine via the sword is not worth one dead American.

anti Zionist said on Fri, 29 Dec 2023 at 19:41...

Every American should take a history course on Israel. The wealthy Jewish Zionists hate Harvard and the other colleges because they TEACH the truer version of Israeli history, which AIPAC and Israel staunchly oppose....they wanted a sanitized pro Israel version of history.

Anonymous said on Fri, 29 Dec 2023 at 21:56...

Classic antisemitic distortion and hate, as I thought. Thanks for the rant...it confirmed what I already suspected. If you want to trick folks into believing your hate speech, and warped view of reality, you should try not to be so obvious about what you actually are. You have made it very clear what you are. Subtlety is not your strong point, hatred literally drips from your finger tips as you bang away on that keyboard...I expect there is quite a strong odor in your trailer.

Anal Alan said on Fri, 29 Dec 2023 at 23:53...

Christ Jesus, what a cluster-fuck.

Brad said on Sat, 30 Dec 2023 at 16:53...

Nikki Haley? I am kinda hoping she knocks old man Trump off the ballot. she looks like my choice

ABT said on Sat, 30 Dec 2023 at 18:29...


anon said on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 at 02:14...

Well I guess it makes sense that most of the degenerates at sniff poppers and take it up the ass are going to be a bunch of libtards. At least some of us have a brain and because of that will be voting Trump and no one else

Anal Alan said on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 at 04:30...

Don’t do what Donnie Don’t does.

MAGA ME NOW! said on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 at 15:29...

anyone who is big brain box can see Donald Trump is super HIGH MEGA MAGA genius who single handedly create multi BILLION dollar skyscraper business (probably biggest in entire world) all stories that he attack women in Bergdorf Goodman, causes mobs to kill people and go beserk, involved in sharp practice by telling lies about how much he is worth to trick banks, paying off X rated porn stars, getting involved in water sports with hookers in Moscow, stealing crates of classified documents and dumping them at his $739 million dollar luxury estate (probably most luxurious home in the world, ever) is all part of massive conspiracy by shadowy guys who want to worship Satan, stop Americans shooting guns, and force everyone to have sex change and use different toilet.

Elvis said on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 at 17:04...

Rand Paul from KY would be awesome. He's as pros liberty as you can find. I used to support his dad Ron back in the day.

Plain Talking said on Tue, 2 Jan 2024 at 17:31...

But he might be a free thinking libertarian, Elvis. Did not stop him repeating the MAGA lies about stolen elections. MAGA is an infection of GOP, it represents the opposite of true GOP politics. The Trump family have hijacked the party by whipping up discontent and division, that is all. We will make liberals cry...blah blah blah...Donald Trump Jr is a nightmare politician, worst that the old man. Actually there are no policies, except isolationism, and stunts, and empty inflammatory rhetoric. Trumps are shady and disgraceful, Rand Paul should distance himself from this Trump tent show.

MAGA ME NOW! said on Wed, 3 Jan 2024 at 13:50...

Don Trump JR is MEGA SUPER HIGH TOP financial whizkid and toast of Wall Street, fool! He founded Trump Mortgage (probably the biggest and most successful mortgage in the world!) Trump "Super Premium" Vodka (most expensive vodka in world ever) and Eau de Trump (most amazing aftershave ever used by top world leaders) and Trump Tower Moscow (2nd highest mega structure in the Universe) can be seen with naked eye from Trump Moon Base (first moon base ever built) what you are your kids do, eh??? get food stamps? snowflake looser.

Anonymous said on Sun, 7 Jan 2024 at 10:32...

Trump shared a video today claiming that God has chosen him to be "a shepherd to mankind."

lol Who is cRazY? Trump or US voters?

anonymous said on Tue, 23 Jan 2024 at 23:16...

Trump is owned by Zionists too

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