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popper use in hotel

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by wildo73
on Wed, 6 Dec 2023 at 19:59

wildo73 said on Wed, 6 Dec 2023 at 19:59...

I'm looking to use poppers in a hotel room,has anyone done this as I'm worried about stinking out the room with the fumes and the hotel being upset about it,the smell might even escape the room too and be noticed in the corridoor by hotel workers .Would it be a bad idea?

T said on Thu, 7 Dec 2023 at 01:51...

Just open the window after. Done this many times! The smell goes away quickly and nobody will be around close enough to notice while you play. It wont be potent enough for them to notice

Winnipeg_Mature said on Fri, 8 Dec 2023 at 04:18...

I used to use poppers (a lot) in hotels! It depends what type of hotel?? In case of any troubles with suspicious hotel staff then say you are practicing your religion and it is incense. Yeah but if suspicious ones see you go from the lobby to your room with a young guy in leather trousers, eh....they probably work out what is going on. some hotel don't let you go to your room with working guys.

Francisco ScaraMAGA said on Thu, 21 Dec 2023 at 10:13...

I would just air the room before the cleaning staff arrive, that is all. I remember checking into a room once which stunk of cigarette smoke, and other things :-( folks get up to stuff in hotel rooms; not a big deal really. I did change the room, as I was not comfortable sleeping on that bed. You know mattresses in hotels are full of other peoples dried skin and sweat, oh yuk. Donald Trump did stuff in a hotel room in Moscow so some say, so possibly that mattress got thrown out?

woodman said on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 at 09:40...

always use a motel with a "fuck you" attitude at check in, the low life ones often have "working" ladies living in them, so be sure to wink at your fellow guests. If men are your thing, then inquire discretely about a massage for your aching back. I wanna to party, sister... a good way to get things going, if the gal / guy looks dangerous and might mug you, then do the necessary in the back of the car, or get a blow up lilo and have fun in a discreet abandoned warehouse, cornfield, or similar location. For the serious hedonist: consider buying a tent :-) Have fun out there, but be safe!

Ye Olde Queene said on Wed, 12 Jun 2024 at 08:54...

Thanks, woodman! I have a 1981 Cortina Starcraft. I actually made the curtains myself...give me a medal! Inside there is a mattress and battery fan for comfort. I am currently installing a music player/ I called her The Booty Magnet/ and will spray paint the name on the side. I intend to cruise the streets playing music. Even though I am now 74 years old everything is in working order, thanks to my daily routine of vitamins. Later this week I will install a small tray to line up my RUSH poppers, rubber gloves, lube, and anti bacterial gel.

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