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Music immersion and poppers

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Reed
on Sat, 11 Nov 2023 at 04:56

Reed said on Sat, 11 Nov 2023 at 04:56...

Backstory: I took acid at 16 and first ‘stepped inside music’ then. Since then I’ve worked with music at a high level- in recording studios, now as a house music artist signed on labels on multiple continents. not trying to brag, but want to set up my credibility for the experience I’m about to describe.

I recently experimented and sat with music and used poppers to immerse myself in it. Doing so, it is nothing short of spectacular. It’s as if my brain is able to separate the sounds and make sense of more information in real time. It doesn’t inspire me to create new music, I’ve found, but it acts as a bullshit check in my own music- like oh wow I never noticed this before but this part of the song is way too busy, or that synth actually sounds like shit. I then listened to reference tracks from my favorite artists and felt as though I was able to perceive their mixing techniques with an insane amount of clarity. It is as if the stereo image itself has thick sharpie lines delineating the width of every instrument taking up the field.

There’s something expansive about this experience that goes beyond ‘feeling good’.

I’ve only ever experience something like this with a psychedelic.

Elvis said on Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 20:40...

God save the child that rings that bell
It may have one good ring, baby, you can't tell
One watch by night, one watch by day
If you get confused, listen to the music play

Jacko said on Tue, 28 Nov 2023 at 10:16...

I know exactly what you're talking about. Personally, I find poppers on top of a medium cannabis buzz to be just the right mix for music. The music is so much richer and more detailed, with each layer standing out separately.

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