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Where to buy real US poppers in EU/Netherlands?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by popperlover
on Mon, 6 Nov 2023 at 21:44

popperlover said on Mon, 6 Nov 2023 at 21:44...

Where to buy real US poppers in EU/Netherlands?

Sven said on Tue, 7 Nov 2023 at 12:49...

I would like to know the same thing, I think it is very difficult to find poppers from the USA (Isobutyl) in Europe.

The Fatal Floor 1974 said on Tue, 7 Nov 2023 at 22:01...

Yes, Sven. That is because isobutyl nitrite is illegal. Therefore popperlovers question is where do you find banned poppers in Europe? Answer: nowhere.

Thankfully isobutyl is a load of crap anyway, just have to make do with AMYL / PENTYL, eh? Life sucks dont it....no.

Sven said on Wed, 8 Nov 2023 at 11:21...

Yes I know, I know that it is prohibited in Europe, however, if you find an online website in the USA that sells and ships their poppers to Europe, you can get Isobutyl, many people don't like it, but it does the job for me. In fact, the combination of isobutyl and Amyl (Pentyl), and smelling each compound in its bottle works quite well for me, although nothing today is as powerful as it was years ago.
In the UK, now that Brexit has arrived, I know they sell Double Scorpio (Isobutyl), although this brand is quite expensive, and for many it is still very weak. In the rest of Europe, getting original American brands with Isobutyl is impossible, no website sells it, maybe in some clandestine joint in Europe they do sell it, but I don't know.

Arnold said on Wed, 8 Nov 2023 at 15:14...

Try BuyNitrousOnline.com. They carry a wide selection of both American and European solvents. Very helpful staff and they will truly go the extra mile for you. I get things sent up to Canada all the time and they never get popped by our customs. You should be fine in Europe.

The Fatal Floor 1974 said on Wed, 8 Nov 2023 at 22:49...

Brexit did not change anything, Sven. Isobutyl is illegal in the UK too. The only legal poppers in the UK are propyl. Medicines Act 1968 and the ECHA prohibition apply. Not sure where you got the idea Brexit changed poppers, I mean I doubt anyone is going round with magnifying glasses reading labels, nobody gives a shit, but there has been no change.

@Arnold The United Kingdom is no longer part of Europe, due to The English Channel, and the desire among the great unwashed (Daily Mail readers) to commit economic hara-kiri.

gogs said on Fri, 10 Nov 2023 at 13:07...

I bought a selection of Isobutyl from BuyNitrousOnline and had it delivered to the UK without any issues, although shipping was fairly expensive, they arrived in less than a week.

Great quality and guys have said to me "These smell like old school poppers" on taking a sniff.

Amyl doesnt really do it and Isopropyl is poison to me, so I'm to happy to have found a US source.

Sven said on Sat, 11 Nov 2023 at 12:50...

@The Fatal Floor I really don't know what is legal and what is not in the UK, I am not there to know, (I am in another country in Europe), nor do I know if Brexit has brought the legalization of different compounds, or not, but what I do know is that there is a UK online store that sells Isobutyl, specifically the Double Scorpio brand, for example the website: https://prowlerpoppers.co.uk/, I think there is another website that also sells it, and I think I have read a comment on this website from someone who claimed to find Double Scorpio in London, in some store, another thing is whether people like that brand and its content or not.
I personally find that the mixture of Isoamyl, Amyl (Pentyl) and Isobutyl is what works best for me, without being as powerful as it was a few years ago.
@gogs I have never bought on that website, (BuyNitrousOnline), maybe I will try the products from the USA (Isobutyl), the products that the European website has, they are cheaper for me to buy here in Europe.

@sven said on Sun, 12 Nov 2023 at 07:23...

I would try BuyNitrousOnline. They sent several bottles of isobutyl Super Rush to Germany for me. It did not take too long for them to arrive.

Quality was superb, they were packed neatly and customer service was in touch the whole time. Better yet, the poppers were extremely well received by my playgroup. I now have a friend who buy isobutyl from them excusively because of how well they can ship across borders.

I assume their Euro price is high because they are stateside and amyl is foreign in the US.

But there is no equivalent store in Europe selling isobutyl so....

Lojze said on Wed, 15 Nov 2023 at 21:45...

Google No1 Aroma poppers

Maxskin008 said on Sat, 9 Dec 2023 at 15:15...

Hi I just tried (BuyNitrousOnline) and yes they send from the USA to the UK and the USA Bottles are Isobutyl. Thankfully no more headaches with Isopropyl. @sven thanks for the info

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