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Anti-Toxic Recommendation

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Henry
on Mon, 6 Nov 2023 at 07:31

Henry said on Mon, 6 Nov 2023 at 07:31...

@ Forum Readers: In reading the various posts on this Forum, a topic I have often seen mentioned is a serious concern regarding the toxic side effects caused by the use of nitrite inhalants. If you are someone who uses poppers several times a week - or even just twice a week - then you really should be taking antioxidant supplements to counter the accumulated toxicity caused by these inhalants.
In the interest of your health, I offer the following recommendations:
1. Take a quality vitamin & mineral supplement every day after your breakfast and supper meals. (Powder form mixed in water is best.)
2. 30 Minutes prior to a popper session, take the following supplements:
> Vitamin C - 2,000 Mg
> Magnesium Citrate - 400 Mg
> Aspirin Tablet - 320 Mg
> Gamma E Complex - 400 Mg (Vit E with mixed tocopherols)
> Electrolyte Complex - 1 teaspoon (powder form mixed in water)

My above recommendations apply especially to older men.

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