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Great Customer Service- BuyNitrousOnline

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Anonymous
on Wed, 11 Oct 2023 at 23:26

Anonymous said on Wed, 11 Oct 2023 at 23:26...

I’ve bought from them several times and had good luck. My last order with European JJ Black Label leaked in the package and contaminated everything. I sent an email to Red Loughner, and got a reply in a few hours. Red promised to replace the order, and rebottle the Euro cleaners with US containers that tighten better. At no charge, and with free shipping.

The replacements arrived today, in a bulletproof bubble wrap container, and were perfect! Vacuum sealed, double bagged and no drips or leaks.

You can’t beat BuyNitrousOnline for products and straight up customer care!

Tarquin de Baiser Noir said on Thu, 12 Oct 2023 at 05:15...


Wow! You live in real rough neighborhood!

Queermen said on Thu, 12 Oct 2023 at 22:14...

@Tarquin de Baiser Noir,
I was going to say the same thing! lol. Is that a US based company or Europe? The website looks really sketchy... so that's why I asked.

Urban Poet said on Fri, 13 Oct 2023 at 16:26...

Haiti perhaps? Postman Pat in a bullet proof vest?

Postman Pat.
Postman Pat.
Postman Pat carries a baseball bat
Early in the morning, just as day is dawning,
On with the bullet proof vest, still yawning

Postman Pat.
Postman Pat.
Postman Pat gunfire dawn, rat-a-tat-tat
All the birds are singing, the bullets start flying

Maybe, you can never be sure, there'll be knock (knock knock) Ring (ring ring).
A semi-automatic firearm through your door.

Postman Pat.
Postman Pat.
Postman Pat carries a baseball bat

Dresden said on Fri, 13 Oct 2023 at 19:19...

I am in the US. BuyNitrousOnline is too. It's on the East Coast so shipping is easy and doesn't cross borders. The bullet proof reference is about the quality of their packaging. Short of running over the package with a car, I can't imagine that anything would happen to the contents!

Hunter said on Sat, 14 Oct 2023 at 04:12...

@Forum Readers: By Nitrous On-Line is located in Massachusetts (USA).
Over the past year, I have placed a few orders with this business, and I can confirm that their customer support is superb and very responsive. Their thorough packaging process of the popper products is - by far - the very best I have experienced from any US or European vendor.
This business is operated in an honest and ethical manner for the benefit of the customer, and I highly recommend it. 

gogs said on Wed, 18 Oct 2023 at 13:24...

For info, I'm based in the UK and finding it increasingly difficult to get Isobutyl poppers from my usual USA routes, including the crap I bought in Hawaii last summer.

I contacted Red to ask about UK payment/shipping and he responded quickly with good news. I made my order and followed the instructions and in around a week received my Isobutyl order.

Shipping was on the high side due to international postage, but worth it for the receiving a package of the best poppers I've had in years. Smell like they used to and have the effects I've missed. I'll be placing another larger order shared with a friend soon.

Website may not look the best, but they get the job done!

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