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Sock Method

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Popper Fag
on Wed, 6 Sep 2023 at 11:47

Popper Fag said on Wed, 6 Sep 2023 at 11:47...

I've heard about the sock method & done some web searching about it. I haven't been able to find detailed instructions. Can anyone help me out?

Anonymous said on Wed, 6 Sep 2023 at 15:19...

Put a sock in it!

Anonymous said on Wed, 6 Sep 2023 at 23:41...

Sounds like trying to make do with a shitty popper.

Troye's Rush said on Thu, 7 Sep 2023 at 16:01...

In this vid, the guy uses the sock method. Just follow what he did and make sure you're not touching any part of liquid on the sock with your mouth. You can also roll the sock until you get the dry part, then hold in your mouth and suck the air with your mouth.


Sexy Sausage said on Fri, 8 Sep 2023 at 16:45...

Don't be putting socks in your mouth. Just put a cotton ball in an empty water bottle or vitamin bottle that has a lid. Squirt some poppers in it and allow the bottle to fill up with the vapors ( just a few minutes ) Open the lid and take a big whiff. Put the lid back on and repeat the process again in a few minutes.

Rear Infiltrator said on Sat, 9 Sep 2023 at 03:40...

If you're trying the "sock" method, it's just a matter of putting some of the liquid into the sock and then inhaling from the open end. If you get the liquid onto your skin, it may leave a reddened spot.
I wouldn't suggest stuffing your mouth with the sock. Imagine a humorous scene of wildly going out of control on the effects and maybe you accidentally spilled the rest of the bottle so then you're trying to get to the very last drop that's soaked in the sock and you try tying the sock around your face, but the sock isn't long enough, so you try stretching the sock to go over your head but that doesn't work, so then you just shove the entire sock into your mouth and start huffing away....
Just don't swallow the sock. Even if you're used to swallowing...

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