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Poppers by Post

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Erko
on Sat, 26 Aug 2023 at 05:17

Erko said on Sat, 26 Aug 2023 at 05:17...

The customer support team at Poppers by Post are arrogant, self-centred, self-righteous, uncompromising and unwilling to acknowledge fault.
I'm the first to admit that I made a mistake but their response was a shocker.
I thought their listing was for two of the product but it was for one. The product listing was misleading. It used the word double in the title and it showed pictures of several products.
I politely explained the situation via email.
I had to write to them twice because they ignored my first email.
I was really shocked by their hard-line reply.
They admitted no fault at all. They refused to give me a refund.
They basically told me to suck it up.

Plain Talking said on Sat, 26 Aug 2023 at 06:47...

>I'm the first to admit that I made a mistake

So what do you want, Erko? A free bottle? Why would they give you a refund?

Billy said on Sat, 26 Aug 2023 at 10:16...

Tip for the future, ordering Double Scorpio gets you only one bottle :-(

Guttrunks said on Sat, 26 Aug 2023 at 15:21...

Caveat Emptor! I was similarly hoodwinked, Erko. In this incident it was a local purveyor of exotic comestibles. I was settling in to watch a film that night, felt peckish, and decided to order 5 shish kebob et kizarmis patates, most agreeable indeed! To accompany my indulgent feast I ordered 7 Up. I was pleasantly surprised by the price. I awaited the arrival of my refreshments like a devoted apostle of Adephagia.

Imagine my consternation when the young gentleman arrived, duly delivered his load, and presented me with a bill, and ONE solitary can of fizzy pop! A huge conflagration ensued, this also involved my rude neighbor, and the unpleasant lady upstairs. In any case, which way, and you take the high road, I ended up with just one drink, six missing, Sir! and had to make do with tap water.

Łemmiwinks said on Mon, 28 Aug 2023 at 02:10...

That reminds me of the fortunate time when I learned in the most difficult manner how to scuttle the weatherhelm. It was one of those existential evenings where my hair was beginning to fall out and I was questioning what my purposes were with my remaining years. At a much younger age, I was reusing my mother's sanitary napkins and packing them with camphor-smelling agents, the worst of the witch's brew discussed in these circles. Not having any interest in women, I had no idea where the napkins had been, but I did know that they fit into the belt and figured that the contraption was some sort of system like a brassiere. How naďve I was!

Knowing that I could not just walk into a gentleman's club or bath-house with a soaked rag, I inhaled deeply, and like a chameleon turned a deep scarlet and then purple and then nearly black. My heart was not even racing, and I was about to vomit. A tonic phobia engulfed my perception, and I stood at my armoire for what must have been an hour. Acknowledging that there was no turning back, I mounted the belt-contraption and summoned a lift.

In the fog of the moment, I made a request to be taken to a bath-house, but the air was biting cold, and the chauffeur never lowered the windows. I was subdued, and the chauffeur had no choice but to arouse me with an ampoule of smelling salts when we arrived. He had turned blue in the quarter-hour drive to the bath-house! The plebes on the sidewalk watched in horror as I was slumped over and another man was forcing vapors into my nostrils.

A night watchman began to laugh. In the wind, I lost my balance.

Thanks for reading.

Tarquin de Baiser Noir said on Mon, 28 Aug 2023 at 13:58...

Thanks for reading...

Thanks for sharing!! :-) A joy :-)

poppersx said on Fri, 1 Sep 2023 at 11:13...

Now that is a story indeed! my mom used to leave her bloody rags in the bathroom on the counter right next to the sink. I never, ever, not once, even though about sniffing one though! Your mom must have really loved you eh? I am somewhat jealous but then again I'm not :D

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