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NEW PRODUCT - butyl nitrite

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by poppersx.com
on Fri, 25 Aug 2023 at 14:54

poppersx.com said on Fri, 25 Aug 2023 at 14:54...

Get it while its fresh. Naw don't even worry about it, get it whenever its always fresh. Date of manufacture printed on every bottle. I took one whiff of this gnarly stuff and wow, I thought my isoamyl was good, this stuff is nuts. I worried about distributing it like it is now, I keep thinking to myself "I gotta cut this or people are gonna get hurt". BUT- I don't cut shit like that, ever. Its totally against my religion.

Seriously though if you liked my amyl at all give this stuff a try, it is defiantly different but not extremely different, you will notice it though for sure. I did.

Comes in new plastic bottles that are heat sealed with foil, should hold up well during shipping. If your bottles leak just let me know (send a picture too, I have reason to believe a few people took advantage of my willingness to replace them at the drop of a hat). Don't do that. My profit margins are very thin as it is, and I need to order more supplies, or I'll not even be able to ship anything. I sincerely hope that's not what ya'll want.

Creating a product page now, still bottling it though so pictures will come later!

Anon said on Fri, 25 Aug 2023 at 17:19...

Shit in general is wild when it is fresh. All your homeless in my opinion are hust looking for fresh out of the jar

Anon said on Fri, 25 Aug 2023 at 17:19...

Homebrewers not homeless.

Inflatable Donald said on Fri, 25 Aug 2023 at 18:06...

"I have reason to believe a few people took advantage of my willingness to replace them"

You don't say!

"Don't do that"

....telling folks to not be dishonest...that works for you?

Sexy Sausage said on Mon, 28 Aug 2023 at 12:18...

Hello Mr. PoppersX. I have a question. Which US state do you ship from ?

poppersx said on Wed, 30 Aug 2023 at 02:11...

I ship from Louisiana. It has gotten significantly cooler the past few days here, under 90 degrees. Still too hot imo but its better than 106 like it was last week.

I also got better caps, the cone inserts are stamped with #5 for the type of plastic, the crappy ones were not marked at all and cracked often. They didn't screw on straight either.

The new caps screw on straight at least and are marked. I also ordered some even better caps that are marked #2 yesterday, they should be here in a few days.

What is rather interesting is the yeild I got from butyl is nearly double with I get with the same amount of reagents. The butanol is rather expensive though, nearly 300$ for 5 gals of it. I can get a-amyl and n-amyl also but those are even more expensive. I think I have some methanol lying around I have yet to see anyone even try making with that, but it seems like nearly any kind of pure alcohol will do. Dosen't even have to be pure really, as long as the rest of whatever is in it is just water. I would have to adjust the stoichiometry equation a bit to get the right amounts, but I know how to do that already. Neat how chemistry class is actually helping me in life. I wish I would have been able to finish all 6 courses I was going to take, can thank my exwife for fucking that all up for me.

The Wuggiteer said on Wed, 30 Aug 2023 at 18:08...

For practical and safety reasons the production of methyl and ethyl nitrite is not recommended.

poppersx.com said on Wed, 30 Aug 2023 at 21:30...

The Wuggiteer: can you elaborate on this please?

Producing isoamyl and butyl is plenty dangerous in itself, working with highly flammable materials, espically liquids, and when over 100ml, is not something to take lightly. Throw in the possibility of poison gas formation for fun.

I would do a very small batch first anyways and use PPE like always. Shit can explode for a number of reasons, far to easily imo. I had a Pyrex dish full of methanol I was foolishly heating up with a blow torch to try to get it evaporate quicker, it cracked and blew up right in my face. Luckily I didn't loose and eye. Did get some minor burns and burnt my eyebrows and eye lashes off. I learned from that experience at least.

WonderWuggit said on Thu, 31 Aug 2023 at 01:38...

The boiling points of methyl and ethyl nitrite are 10 and 63 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively.

How do you plan to bottle these volatile substances?

It is my understanding that these compounds are excessively reactive and would adversely affect physiology.

AnonInSELouisiana said on Thu, 28 Sep 2023 at 03:53...

Se Louisiana here and yes it was an extremely hot August. Luckily temps are finally below 100 lol. I'm thinking I wanna order some amyl as I'm tired of the jungle juice platinum I've been getting at the ra shop, seems either they got some fakes in or jj changed the formulation up quite a bit recently. Plus the labels look a tad different as well but still has the hologram thing on the lid. Not really sure what's up with it but I'm not liking them lately.

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