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Site's cart was broken, now fixed

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by poppersx.com
on Fri, 25 Aug 2023 at 00:05

poppersx.com said on Fri, 25 Aug 2023 at 00:05...

I just noticed the cart was not working on my website (explains the lack of orders the past week) but I just fixed it

Nitritespecialist said on Fri, 25 Aug 2023 at 03:34...

Are your poppers less toxic than other brands? Did you have an assay performed?

I am VERY curious to know where you got pure SN.

poppersx.com said on Fri, 25 Aug 2023 at 09:48...

I do not have the $300 to get a proper GC/MS test done right now, if I ever actually start making enough to support myself and not worry about what I'm going to eat tomorrow or if i'll have enough money for gas to get to the methadone clinic and back (yes I was a heroin addict years ago, I have been able to get my methadone dose down to 50mg a day and feel OK, considering I was taking 120mg daily for over a year I think I'm doing well) then I might consider getting one done. But probably not until after I get better equipment and all that. I still need to get a business license and who knows what I'll need if I ever want to actually market it as what it is instead of a cleaning product or some other bullshit to get around the wonderfully retarded laws we have here. I'll proabbly have to hire a doctor or some phd grad or some shit like that to tell me I did it right before the gov would let me do that. But hey, if there is enough money coming in for that kinda shit I dont care I'll pay for it. I'm only allowed to make so much a year anyways anything over that and I'll have to pay for my meds, which are at least 3-4k a month alone. So the more I can write off the better.

Its food grade, not a super pure labatory reagent. I scored a large bucket of it many years ago (nearly 10 years ago now damn I'm getting old....) when I very very first did this synthesis.

Tonight I'm trying something new, I had a few people request butyl nitrite, its prepped and in the freezer, will synth it in well right now actually. Got the new plastic bottles today they have thick foil inserts that get melted to the top of the bottle though the lid with an induction sealer. Adds another step to it... having to hold that stupid thing to every single bottle for 20 seconds.... but it should really help against leaks, I doupt it will totally prevent leaks because amyl really builds up a shitload of gas when it gets hot. butyl is also said to be less volatile than isoamyl. whatever that means. i hope it means that is turns to gas slower. yeah it has to mean that because the boiling point of butyl is much, much higher than isoamyl. but then again wikipedla decided to remove all that info a month or something ago so who knows if it was right or not. me. I will know eventually. I need to take pictures of the new bottles and post that on the site I need revenue badly

WigglyWuggit said on Thu, 31 Aug 2023 at 01:56...

Butyl nitrite is more volatile than isoamyl nitrite, meaning it evaporates more readily.

The following boiling points, in degrees Fahrenheit, were found via Google:

Isopropyl nitrite: 104
Butyl nitrite: 172
Isoamyl nitrite: 210

Dresden said on Sat, 9 Sep 2023 at 05:01...

Hey Don, I went to Etsy to buy two bottles of B nitrate. How can I get the cart to honor the $35 price?

Anonymous said on Tue, 24 Oct 2023 at 16:04...

Poppersx i see you offer two different types which do you recommend. The stuff from the sex shops is just not cutting it anymore. I really want to try some of yours.

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