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Golden Cock Pride

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Captain Coomer
on Wed, 16 Aug 2023 at 10:15

Captain Coomer said on Wed, 16 Aug 2023 at 10:15...

Picked up a bottle of Golden Cock Pride(watermelon)

Low down.

No side effects like coughing.

Not much of a watermelon scent detected. Mostly fruity. I would have tried unscented but porn shop was out of stock except for display bottle.

Underwhelming performance. Worse than Double Scorpio. Disappointing. Avoid. Wasted $23.

Will decent poppers ever make a comeback?????

Elvis said on Wed, 16 Aug 2023 at 11:33...

Well that's a shame. Although I've never tried them, I've always heard good things about Golden Cock Poppers. Maybe they just goofed on this new product.

Markel said on Wed, 16 Aug 2023 at 16:37...

The truth is that Golden Cock Poppers is not the best in the world, in my last order of their bottles in all their varieties they were like smelling water, zero or very mild prosexual effects.

Captain Coomer said on Wed, 16 Aug 2023 at 18:59...

Making poppers is basic chemistry. Why can't someone make a decent product??? Why is everything so underwhelming?? Everything is underwhelming. Nothing gives me the slutty out of body experience that PWD products did under Joe Miller. Was he putting prescription strength grade amyl in his products???

Guttrunks said on Thu, 17 Aug 2023 at 10:49...

"Was he putting prescription strength grade amyl in his products???"

This myth was debunked by Professor Hestelort (Copenhagen 1997) I recommend you read carefully the pear reviewed study "Du er en pikhoved, køb venligst min Florida sumpland lejlighed" Narhat & Kegle (2003) Il Giornale delle Cazzate Danesi (Autumn Edition)

Peter said on Thu, 17 Aug 2023 at 15:33...

@Captain Coomer: See the Dreadful Flying Glove's comment that he posted on August 13th under the Joe Miller subject.
I concur completely with your comments and observations concerning the inferior quality of the current popper products being sold by US and European vendors.
I have been infrequently using nitrite inhalants since the mid-1970's and have been unable to purchase a popper product / formula that provides me the distinctive and very enjoyable pro-sexual effects I experienced from the popper products I purchased back in the 70's and 80's.
The owner of the new Poppersx business is trying his best to formulate and sell a real Amyl Nitrite product, and I hope he is eventually very
successful for those of us who want to use and enjoy the superior pro-sexual effects of real Amyl Nitrite.

Captain Coomer said on Fri, 18 Aug 2023 at 03:32...

@Guttrunks. OMG! I am not going to waste my time reading a scientific paper on poppers. I just want to find something decent to purchase. Jeez!!! If you make me some, I will buy it.

Are there homebrew cooks who make and sell??

Guttrunks said on Fri, 18 Aug 2023 at 07:36...

Sir, you should apply your mind to the matters at hand. Like a timid maiden you fear placing your delicate limbs in the frigid waters of academia, you are reluctant to address the weighty tomes written by the greatest minds of our time! Fear not! Plunge in and swim, enlighten yourself!

As a novice, I strongly advise you to purchase from me the following:

Galimatías Sobre Poppers; Coronel Franco de la Tontería (Universidad de Mentiras 2001) $170.00

This fine 130 page egg bound document will give you good background reading during these balmy summer days. I will then be able to evaluate your readiness for further tuition, I have several places still open on my new course of studies.

Anonymous said on Tue, 22 Aug 2023 at 10:27...

I am not going to waste my time reading....any of Guttrunks' old twaddle....

Duder said on Sun, 8 Oct 2023 at 02:10...

Ive been using golden cock products for some time now. Some disappointment but mostly decent to very good. Superman is my go to. And had only issue with one of the four bottles. Liked the black one and one that came in a wider bottle but that lid was not a good seal. Havent and wont try thier scented one. Have tried a couple double scorpio scented and found them a let down(nice effects but weak/mild), although the leather and tabacco one smelled nice.

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