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Reducing the bluing from popper use.

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Hmsila
on Wed, 9 Aug 2023 at 02:28

Hmsila said on Wed, 9 Aug 2023 at 02:28...

Was reading about people drinking diluted Hydrogen Peroxide to disable breathalyzer testing. This got me thinking about using it with Poppers to get rid of the bluing effect that many of us get from using poppers. Has anyone tried this or had experinced using Hydrogen Peroxide in this way.

Thank in advance for your consideration of my question.

Plain Talking said on Thu, 10 Aug 2023 at 05:38...

I considered it. Folks do a lot of dumb things, bro. Indited President Trump thought that household cleaning bottles would clean away COVID, Rudy Giuliani opens his mouth and talks, folks is dumb, bro. I would avoid drinking it...be safe, be well, don't watch Fox News.

卐 Die Hard Libtard 卐 said on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 at 02:49...

Drumpf suggested research on a "disinfectant" in his speech and highlighted ridding the gene pool of retarded (((shylocks))) like you. Sieg Heil!!! 卐卐卐

Myurge2 said on Wed, 30 Aug 2023 at 09:57...

Hydrogen Peroxide will not help you, fucking idiots out there.....

anon said on Fri, 1 Sep 2023 at 02:05...

with all the lies we are told are truth growing up and even now, its not uncommon for people to start questioning everything and anything. I find its best to look at multiple sources of information then if you genuinely believe its safe to do something out of the ordinary, like drink h2o2, ask a doctor before you do it. If your going to do it anyways, please at least share your findings and experiences and be honest as you can. if we all do this and keep doing it it will become the normal thing to do, instead of everything that is shown to us being lies designed carefully to manipulate you maybe we can start advancing society again for a change. there are too many people that are afraid of change because they are comfortable where they are with what they have. they believe that if the 'lesser' people around them get to a happy place they will loose theirs somehow.

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