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carbon dioxide - reacts with amly?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by poppersx.com
on Thu, 3 Aug 2023 at 01:51

poppersx.com said on Thu, 3 Aug 2023 at 01:51...

I am researching inert gasses, does anyone know if carbon dioxide will react with any of the nitrites? Not while its being formed but after its already synthesized and at least somewhat stable (typically it still bubbles for a very long time after, exactly what gas is coming off of it I am unsure still, I plan on capturing some of it next time I make it (which will be very, very soon- I ran out today :-) )

Nitritespecialist said on Fri, 4 Aug 2023 at 01:41...

Carbon dioxide is toxic.

poppersx said on Fri, 4 Aug 2023 at 14:01...

for breathing yes. i'm only asking because it is a inert gas i can generate myself very very easily. hopefully my hommie comes through with this oxygen concentrator i was promised yesterday soon, then i should be able to easily use the exhaust side which will be mostly nitrogen... not pure nitro but better than air, and better than c02. might be able to run the output to a gas bag and run it through again for better results.

i have a feeling im going to be the new prof ... its kindof a bad feeling as well. means theres no one else to put blame on should things go bad, and i know things always get worse before they get better. well wish me luck and no horrendous lab accidents !!!

might be worth it to note that when one starts doing things like this especially in the hundreds of ml or greater area, and they dont really know what they are doing, bad things are bound to happen. you can do all the math and work things out perfectly on paper, but when it comes to implementing, i have learned that unless one is extremely cautious and conservative, disaster is not far off. i hope these are not my last words

The Professor said on Fri, 4 Aug 2023 at 16:52...

More lies from Ken

Carbon dioxide is NOT toxic; atmospheric CO2 is the genesis of life FFS.

SX, If you are planning on capturing CO2 as an inert gas to purge the bottles of oxygen, CO2 presents an explosion hazard from electrostatic buildup, argon works better and is easily available.

poppersx said on Tue, 8 Aug 2023 at 01:47...

Electrostatic buildup lolwut?

Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 8 Aug 2023 at 13:23...

He doesn't know what he's talking about. "The Professor" thinks CO2 isn't toxic and then says you can blow it up with static electricity. Whose stupid now?

The Professor said on Tue, 8 Aug 2023 at 18:44...

Who's stupid now? You already know the answer to that question; your SELF.

Co2 is an inert gas, but unlike argon (readily available and used to preserve wine from oxidation), CO2 can develop an electrostatic charge.

When bottled over something flammable, like poppers, that is an explosion hazard.

I don't think it's non toxic, I KNOW it is non-toxic.

this is ken's best work; try to CLAIM i'm saying something stupid, get called out on his straw man fallacy, realize he's exposed HIMSELF as the little idiot he is, and move on to the next opportunity to debase himself.

Good work!

Nitritespecialist said on Wed, 9 Aug 2023 at 02:59...

Death comes to those who do not watch their backs.

The Professor said on Wed, 9 Aug 2023 at 15:34...

Is this fortune cookie time little guy? That's one weird dude.

Nitritespecialist said on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 at 02:26...

Death comes to those who do not watch their backs.

poppersx said on Tue, 15 Aug 2023 at 20:56...

I would like to use argon but I don't really have the money for a bottle of it right now.

I'm going to attempt to flame seal glass ampules, so an explosion hazard is already very much present anyways.

So the co2 gas can get charged eh? Interesting but not really really applicable, at most I will be filling a homemade glove box with the gas or something like that... I'm still not sure how I'm going to do this safely. Good thing safety has never been a good deterrent for me.

I did not post the lolwhat message btw that was an impostor.

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