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Is there a replacement for popper?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by kiki
on Tue, 11 Jul 2023 at 23:49

kiki said on Tue, 11 Jul 2023 at 23:49...

poppers are illegal in many countries

So I'm looking for a replacement that has similar performance to popper. Is there anything better?

(I will use it to ease anal relaxation)

ChuMaiWang said on Wed, 12 Jul 2023 at 15:12...

Huffing spray paint? Maybe inhaling fumes from industrial adhesives?
Don't take my word for it though. I'm only just guessing. Be very careful

Billy said on Thu, 13 Jul 2023 at 10:16...

Just have a couple of glasses of wine or other nice alcoholic drinks.

And if your ass won’t take it, it probably shouldn’t go up there!

Weed Addict said on Thu, 13 Jul 2023 at 23:42...

Use lots of weed. Also, an amount of 1mL of the suitable alcohol was added to a mixture of 0.2 mL water and 1mL concentrated sulfuric acid (96%) ~n a 50 mL flask chilled in an ice bath, under nitrogen atmosphere in the dark. The mixture was shaken for 10 min, then an equimolar solution of sodium nitrite (4 mL) was added dropwise with periodic shaking. The solution was shaken at five minute intervals for an hour then let stand to permit the separation of the alkyl nitrite from the aqueous layer. The upper alkyl nitrite layer was mixed with anhydrous sodium sulfate, then transferred into a small vial and sealed. Yes, you read that right. Add the nitrite to the acid+alcohol SLOWLY.

kiki said on Fri, 14 Jul 2023 at 09:24...

the weed is also illegal in my country 😒

Weed Addict said on Fri, 14 Jul 2023 at 13:51...

That is why I suggest it, infidel. Please state your name and address here. If you come clean, your punishment will be unharshened.

Nitritespecialist said on Fri, 14 Jul 2023 at 16:39...

There is absolutely no known substitute for good amyl nitrite. It's ideal for increasing libido, lowering inhibitions, relaxing the ass and making pig/sling play way better than it could ever be naturally. And best of all the duration of effects is TOTALLY within the control of the user. You can make it last a few minutes...OR go gangbusters and keep inhaling off and on for hours.

Nitritespecialist said on Fri, 14 Jul 2023 at 16:42...

Pure enough amyl nitrite SHOULD not cause any unpleasant effects in a healthy person. Other solvents/chemicals most certainly will and will not relax the ass like amyl. So they are useless for fucking.

The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Fri, 14 Jul 2023 at 17:17...

Ignore the nonsense, Kiki.

Nitritespecialist is correct, volatile nitrites are the very best. Having said that: there are special lubricants now that have a profound numbing effect which you might want to consider. As NS is a scientist / chemist he may know what these lubes contain, I don't.

Nitritespecialist said on Fri, 14 Jul 2023 at 21:55...

Ethylene glycol and a strong mineral oil for one.

kiki said on Sun, 16 Jul 2023 at 11:33...


Ethylene glycol ?? how to work with it

Myurge2 said on Wed, 30 Aug 2023 at 10:10...

Ethylene glycol, is fucking dangerous, please please of your not sure, use Google

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