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Topic created by Steve
on Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 18:14

Steve said on Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 18:14...

Hi all…having parted with poppers years ago was reacquainted with them in the past month or so. Have to say been best and horniest times for ages. What would you recommend best poppers to try and based in Scotland

Billy said on Wed, 21 Jun 2023 at 08:37...

Double Scorpio White Gold is the best I’ve had in many years and you should be able to get it mail order. It’s a blend of different butyls.

Watch out for side effects though! Generally worsened mood and weakness.

Elvis said on Wed, 21 Jun 2023 at 11:27...

Hey Billy, I have yet to try any Double Scorpio products due to so many mixed reviews ( mostly negative ) But I see that you give White Gold a very positive one. Any other Double Scorpio products worth mentioning, or does that one seem to be the best of their offering ? I usually purchase butyl from Artisanal Cleaners. But it looks like they might not be back.

Steve said on Wed, 21 Jun 2023 at 11:39...

Thanks Billy I am going to give them a try!

Billy said on Fri, 23 Jun 2023 at 08:19...

I like the White Gold because it’s unscented.

It’s a slow builder. Don’t necessarily expect fireworks after the first hit. It’s more one that creeps up on you with repeated hits (well spaced out of course) until you reach that higher than the sun point. This might just be depleted oxygen levels in the blood however!

I do find that they go rancid quite quickly. I wouldn’t plan on keeping the bottle any longer than 7-10 days maximum.

I also get side effects like lingering lowered energy, depression and anxiety, loss of creativity, and OCD patterns of Internet use.

If you can use the poppers with someone else I reckon that will less risky as you won’t be so likely to keep using them till you pass out…

Steve said on Fri, 23 Jun 2023 at 10:29...

@Billy I have ordered them and thanks for the further advice. I prefer always the gradual progress to the ultimate (?) high. And importantly I will indeed be sharing these so my greediness can be controlled, or perhaps rediverted 😜

Elvis said on Fri, 23 Jun 2023 at 15:04...

Thanks for the review Billy !! I'll probably give it a try soon. I see that there are some new products out from a company called " Best Solvent".
The bottles are : Key Hole, Deep, and Pig Daddy. I'm assuming US made isobutyl. Hoping to hear some reviews on any of those.

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