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Recommendations for fisting?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Fistee
on Tue, 6 Jun 2023 at 18:18

Fistee said on Tue, 6 Jun 2023 at 18:18...

Which poppers work best for deep assplay sessions as a bottom???

Wenis said on Tue, 6 Jun 2023 at 20:14...

Well theres the popper FF with a picture of a fist on it. And another just called fist tho. Not sure if tht means its best 4 fisting or just marketing ya kno. Ide imagine isobutyl ones r pobely best. If ur looking 4 super strong than propyl but only if u dont care about ur eye sight. Ide recommend to mix some amyl with isobutyl. So u hav the stronger smooth muscle relaxer mixed with the increased time of relaxing effect of the amyl. 1 of the strongest poppers ive tried is from www.vhcleaners.com/ they hav their PL-200 VERSION in stock rn ima pick 1 up 4 sure. (And its super convient as its one of the few u can still buy with a debt card, 1 time i even paid with a vanillia visa giftcard i had and it worked fine plus fast cheap shipping nd u get 12ml instead of 10 it only cost 30 i think which is a huge steal 4 wut their product offers) Cuz theirs is very strong its mixed with a combo of 3 ISOBUTYLs-SEC-BUTYL AND TERT-BUTAYL so its really really strong tht shuld open ur anus up like crazy and make u totally gape just like a good bottom shuld. Thts my best recomdation for u. If ur just gonna get isobutyl ide go with RUSH SUPER BLACK or jungle juice black both r strong. Cheers, happy pops, ur friend -WENIS

Fistee said on Tue, 6 Jun 2023 at 23:22...

@Wenis thank you for your recommendations!

popperslutboy said on Sat, 17 Jun 2023 at 01:32...

Try Bad or Fist from poppers aromas.eu you will open up nice and wide

Steve said on Thu, 22 Jun 2023 at 13:22...

@wenis thanks for your reply on this it’s very helpful

fistingmike said on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 at 11:33...

@wenis I’ve only tried the PL100 and love it! It is hands down the best poppers I’ve ever had. I’m looking forward to taking a fist with it.

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