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isobutyl poppers Europe

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by human
on Fri, 2 Jun 2023 at 00:39

human said on Fri, 2 Jun 2023 at 00:39...

I would like to know where to find or buy isobutyl via the web in continental Europe, US brands, such as double scorpio or others, but that contain concentrated and undiluted isobutyl, thanks for your help, regards.

Gandalf Loves Dumbledore said on Sat, 3 Jun 2023 at 01:24...

Isobutyl is listed as a carcinogen and is banned, in Europe. You will not find a website selling it openly within the EU. I think you will have to try to smuggle it from the US somehow. Or just get any of the great amyl or pentyl brands in Europe.

Bman said on Fri, 9 Jun 2023 at 20:03...

What’s a great amyl brand and company in Europe ? Im in the US

Human said on Tue, 13 Jun 2023 at 14:28...

Bman, The big brands don't exist today, everything is quite smooth today, the effects of years ago are no longer achieved. What really matters is the substance that the bottles contain, what is sold today is:
Europe: Amyl (pentyl), Pentyl, Isopropyl/propyl
USA: Isobutyl
Isobutyl is prohibited in Europe, which is a shame because its effects are not bad, I am European and here it is difficult to get isobutyl, the US websites do not sell to Europe.
Amyl (pentyl) would be the best option in Europe.
Pentyl would be the second best buy.
Isopropyl or propyl is not the best option, better not to buy it.
There are several websites in Europe that send their products to the USA, search through this forum or on the internet.

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