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blood oxygen levels

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Mickey blue eyes
on Sun, 21 May 2023 at 20:42

Mickey blue eyes said on Sun, 21 May 2023 at 20:42...

hi I have read on here that blood oxygen levels can become depleted by poppers usage. I had a readings of between 89 and 93 I think that is not good. however I am unsure how accurate the testing device is. any tips for increasing it? or tips in general

The Professor said on Mon, 22 May 2023 at 17:47...

Methemoglobin appears darker than oxygenated cells, and brighter than un-oxygenated cells. The light sensor, therefore, is now getting erroneous data from the beams, and in practical use, tends to give a higher saturation level than a true reading.

MUCH higher. In fact, the confusion between 'is it oxygenated or not' tends to leave these devices reading 85% when TRUE sats are from 10 to 40%.

For this reason, general guidance is to NOT trust PulseOX readings below 90%.


Nitritespecialist said on Thu, 25 May 2023 at 11:42...

The OX devices say methe will skew readings, but I bet they offer a clue still. For instance, now that I'm not breathing any home brew, my saturation is registering the highest it's been....95 to 98. Also, my resting HR is low..40s. The lowest it's been.

Officially I'm done with home brew and will use LRM poppers periodically if I'm going on a rare trip or engaging in a rare scene.

Anon said on Sun, 28 May 2023 at 10:17...

Your numbers are nonsense. 85% does not indicate a true sat of 10 - 40%. Those numbers would be lethal for any period of time. I would gather that true sat is higher than indicated.

Smarter anon said on Sun, 28 May 2023 at 18:37...

If you're not going to read the link provided, which sources the data from medscape, then STFU with your gathering.

Reader said on Sun, 28 May 2023 at 19:04...

“therefore, a patient with a methemoglobin level of 5% and a patient with a level of 40% have approximately the same saturation values on pulse oximetry (~85%). “

Smarter anon said on Sun, 28 May 2023 at 20:36...

yes, that's correct, but for some 'reason' anon and the goonspec THINK that pulsox devices can 'give a clue' when they are entirely unreliable

anon said on Tue, 30 May 2023 at 04:51...

Pulsox devices give a clue that something is out of wack and that is about it. In my experience, the O2 reading of a pulsox reads lower than actual and I base that on the fact that I have had a walking reading in the 80s and sometimes high 70s and not died and if actual readings were those or less, I would be dead. Error gives you an under reading.

If you want something that gives you a rough idea of how bad things are, just climb a flight of stairs. You will know very quickly what kind of shape you are in if you are winded climbing stairs.

anon said on Tue, 30 May 2023 at 04:52...

I don't like going below 90 on a pulseox meter and I don't know what that corresponds to in true oxygen readings but I just don't feel 100%.

nona said on Tue, 30 May 2023 at 19:08...

the OTC ones, two beam models, are most accurate between 90 and 100%. The more advanced 6 beam models are more accurate, especially when the there's methemoglobin involved.

Because of the uncertainty of 2 beam devices, they tend to read HIGH, exacty as the Medscape article originally posted says.

I'm a nurse, and I've never seen a 2 beam oximeter read LOW.

to anon saying they'd be dead if 70 was a true reading:

you evidently don't understand what happened to you; a pulseox of 70 is very concerning, but not deadly in and of itself; a body would be breathing heavily to make up for the 30% deficit, and may become exhausted if the root cause isn't addressed.

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