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Eye-friendly poppers?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by N-L
on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 21:39

N-L said on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 21:39...

I am in the UK, and local poppers do not react well with me at all in terms of my eyesight, so for the last few years, I have ordered from a store in the US that ships here. This has worked fine (I assume it is isobutyl), but my last order was returned to them and I cannot get in touch with them, so my money appears to be gone...

Either way -

I have found a shop in France that sells amyl/propyl mix, amyl, pentyl, and propyl. Are any of these 'eye-friendly' that I could order and not worry about my eyes with poppers?

Alternatively does anyone know any US online shops that ship intl?


Nitritespecialist said on Thu, 18 May 2023 at 13:56...

I found a German company that sells LockerRoom Canadian leather cleaners that are pentyl and hexyl based. These nitrites are kinder on the body than the isopropyls and butyl group. You may have to pour the hexyl nitrite off into a plastic bag with cotton/tissue to get the full potency effects.

Nitritespecialist said on Thu, 18 May 2023 at 13:57...

I am in the USA and I have ZERO idea where to buy good poppers here. Pentyl/amyl is illegal without a script so we are forced to buy overseas indirectly from LockerRoom in Canada.

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