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Inflatable Donald

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Best Cook on TV!
on Wed, 3 May 2023 at 20:37

Best Cook on TV! said on Wed, 3 May 2023 at 20:37...

I love Ina Garten The Barefoot Contessa. Paula Deen is in my top of the tv chefs! share yours and tell me the best or worst....love to cook...love life...love Greta. MAGA love to all!

Elvis said on Fri, 5 May 2023 at 17:07...

Whichever one will suck my cock and them make me a cheeseburger.

Best Cook on TV! said on Tue, 9 May 2023 at 17:57...

I think unlikely..MAGA 2024!

chips said on Fri, 12 May 2023 at 20:15...

dunno who those people are. but i know that guy that makes fights in restaurant kitchens, swearing and chucking pots about...Gordon Ramsay, yeah? i know his sort all blah blah blah and no cigar. if a proper rumble kicks off he'll be the first out the back and legging it sharpish over the wall! the one to watch is Ainsley Harricot!! that guy is like a pressure cooker waiting to blow, all that hysterical hand waving and laughing (seen in in pro boxers) he'll rip the door of it's frame and smash the gaff up if you press the wrong button. bring him to the boil and you'll see...like the culinary equivalent of The Incredible Hulk. The other one is Mary Berry, wouldn't surprise me if she keeps a brick in her handbag.

chips said on Fri, 12 May 2023 at 21:26...

seen it in pro wrestlers.fucking typo! another tasty geezer is Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall, queensberry rules my arse! he'd be the first to knee you in the gonads if things turned nasty around closing time.may look all poncy lah de dah but i see things others miss...trust me don't get lippy with that one or he'll knee you at the blink of an eyelid! but Ramsay?? give me a break!! like yeah! watch out is all i am saying

Best Cook on TV! said on Sun, 14 May 2023 at 16:50...

OK I enjoy Chef Ramsay and Paul Hollywood.

chips said on Sat, 20 May 2023 at 16:12...

Hollywood! you put him in a ring with Raymond Blanc and watch his puff pastry go yellow damp and sticky....oh yeah...trust me...I know a thing or two, no mate Hollywood is a Mersey lad but not true scouser, Blanc would deck him before the 1st bell!!! ding dong ding dong...wake up is all i am saying, be nice and polite, don't get lippy with the wrong chef when you'r downwind of a few litres of vin de mansion, or you'll wake up and regret it.....my two pennies worth, not freaking Euro cents neither!

Best Cook on TV! said on Tue, 23 May 2023 at 19:57...

Hiya, i dont think these guys do hamilton handshakes, but ok. MAGA 2024!!

chips said on Thu, 25 May 2023 at 05:48...

eh? yeah whatever....listen I am just saying THIS: chefs are like boiling pots cus if you turn up the heat they boil over and some of them r like OIL....so don't freakin fuel the fames, my man. Delia Smith? down the terraces of Carrow Road? oh yeahhhhh..she may be all calm and posh on the surface but beneath the surface there is a swelling and it can blow! got something to say about her Creme Brule Souffle? choose your words with care, with care...

Best Cook on TV! said on Tue, 30 May 2023 at 14:11...

thats fine and i wish you best chef ever. MAGA BLESSINGS! HALLELUJAH! HOWDY! AND HAVE A NICE DAY!

chips said on Wed, 31 May 2023 at 17:23...

listen to me, you want the best chef and no chance of a ding dong??? The Hairy Bikers! Nice blokes and no aggro possible, could go out for a mega session and a proper curry later, get gobby, and next day they would be like "oh yeah you were OK, don't worry, Larry. Come over for brunch" TRUE GENTS! Neither Si nor Kingsy would be waiting for you to use the loo, follow you, and give you a proper kicking and grind your face into the urinal for saying stuff about mustache wax...no way....no way. So you get it....stay with The Hairy Bikers and you'll be fine. Good cooking, safe to be around.

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