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is ASFiX legit?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by AnonOP
on Wed, 3 May 2023 at 13:42

AnonOP said on Wed, 3 May 2023 at 13:42...

it's on the shop poppers tab and looks all science like, but do they work? they seem reasonably priced.

Wenis said on Sat, 13 May 2023 at 15:40...

Hey sup, if its from or related to www.powerpoppers.com DONT BUY IT. I bought from then nd took over 2 months 4 them to send me a differnt bottle than wut i ordered tht was a complete fake knock off. ... Snap i need to come out with review of them soon. I think the site ur looking at is the same company as powerpoppers, i saw tht 1 2. I wuld not trust it. If your gonna buy, 100% go to www.buyrushonline.com or ww.vhcleaners.com or buyfromben.com those r my green listed sites, u can see i hav master views on them. But yea be carful where u buy from. Www.buyrushonline.com i can valuge 4 the most bc ive bought from them 5 times so far and everytime perfect order, perfect product, cheap prices, and quick shipping, rn theirs 15% off sale nd im about to place another order -Wenis

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