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Is this truly pentyl?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by oldskool
on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 at 17:44

oldskool said on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 at 17:44...

I recently bought some Rush Black Label falling for the hype that they were a return to like the old days of the 80s 90s. nothing could have been further from the truth. They stank disgusting so much so that I could smell it before removing the cap. No high whatsoever and left a sticky residue. Threw them away after 5 mins. Another £10 down the drain. These were sold as containing CAS 463-04-07 but also CAS 123-51-3. A few questions if I may: Why add the 123-51-3? Is that what was causing the stink? If they truly were Pentyl why no high? Can poppers sellers put CAS 463-04-07 on the label even though the bottle doesn't contain pentyl? if there anywhere in the UK, or that ships to the UK that are selling genuine 80s/90s style strong poppers? Many thanks

Billy said on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 at 19:24...

Initially I got on okay with the Jungle Juice Black on sale in Soho (Soho Original Booms). That’s a pentyl and it might be the same formula as you mention. But the side-effects soon piled up. That might be my age though, I’m mid-40s and I don’t think I can take any more damage. Heavy overuse of poppers frazzles your nervous system.

Anyway if you feel you’re game for another try, how about Double Scorpio? That’s butyl rather than pentyl, and is on sale in Soho now too.

Alternatively you could try ordering from Goldencock Poppers in the US.

The Professor said on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 at 20:14...

The two cas# are n- Pentyl nitrite sand isoamyl alcohol.

All poppers (nitrites) eventually decompose into their original components, one of which is the parents alcohol.

Cas # is no guarantee of content (for example, most of the stuff that was labeled isobutyl was actually still butyl) and there's an osprey here also.

In that, the panel claims the nitrite is from n-Pentanol (n-Pentyl nitrite, which would degrade into n-Pentanol), but the parent alcohol is listed as isoamyl (aka isopentyl) alcohol, which suggests that the original nitrite is not N-pentyl, but rather isopentanol

Billy said on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 at 20:41...

Here’s a Goldencock thread:


Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 16:48...

I know for a FACT that alcohol quality is very important in obtaining a good popper without a distillation step.

All poppers do degrade into various undesirable components. That's one issue, but it says nothing about the quality of what was originally put into a bottle.

I just made a series of brews, using TCI's one pentanol. All brews are cloudy, are weak and are unpleasant in odor despite trying various methods and ratios. Is it the SN? I doubt it....since I was able to make IPN, crystal clear and very potent using the same sodium nitrite.

Butanol, used to make butyl nitrite, has to be VERY high purity to obtain a good popper. I have one quart of butanol from a reseller and it always, 100% of the time produces a foul smelling, weak popper, despite trying various methods and ratios.

The people who make and sell poppers are NOT going to tell you why their poppers are so inconsistent. I am telling you.

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 16:50...

Did Joe Miller distill his poppers OR did he have a very reliable supplier of reagents? I didn't work at his production facility so I have no idea....apparently those who did work for him are staying quiet.

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 16:52...

Joe Miller could have had a very reliable reagent supplier PLUS used a distillation step. Whatever is the case, his poppers were always, 100% of the time consistently good during the period that I purchased them. I never even questioned it.

Kip said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 18:16...

I question your judgment and abilities.

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 18:55...

From BASF, the huge German chemical company.....dated August 2020.

Storage & Handling n-Pentanol should be stored under nitrogen. The storage temperature must not
exceed 40 °C and moisture are excluded. Under these conditions, a storage
stability of 12 months can be expected.

My TCI pentanol was lasted tested, using their LOT # LB7DE, exactly one year ago...12 months. GC

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 18:56...

@Kip...do you also doubt the abilities of BASF chemists???

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 18:56...

If you do....join the Trump Wagon!!!

Kip said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 19:40...

Take your own advice and stop making poppers.

The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 22:10...

@Stubbins Ffirth: you have been told many times: Joe Miller didn't make anything! he was not a chemist. The outfit that made the chemical contents had nothing to do with him, he created brands and marketing, and was later involved in gay rights campaigning. The clue is in the name PAC WEST DISTRIBUTION. (PWD) So you are barking up the wrong tree, as well as being barking mad yourself. You are eulogizing an advertising exec and bottling plant that put shiny plastic wrappers on Chinese-made glass bottles.

>I didn't work at his production facility

No, you did not. Neither did anyone else as it only exists in your head. It was a bottling plant.

Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 30 Apr 2023 at 14:54...

Straight from Sigma.... Notice there are alcohols mentioned that are used to make poppers. Says to discard after one year and test for peroxide.

Peroxide Forming Solvents
A significant number of laboratory solvents can undergo autoxidation under normal storage conditions to form unstable and potentially dangerous peroxide by-products. This process is catalyzed by light and heat and occurs when susceptible materials are exposed to atmospheric oxygen. Molecular structure is the primary factor relating to a material’s potential for hazardous peroxide formation.

Most overviews of potential peroxide-forming chemicals classify various materials into three categories, on the basis of peroxide formation susceptibility, each with general handling and use guidelines.1 The two categories relevant to solvents are defined as solvents that pose a peroxide related safety risk without having to be pre-concentration (see Group A, next section) and solvents that necessitate pre-concentration in order to form peroxides (see Group B, next section). Storage time guidelines for perviously opened containers is provided in the section following this paragraph (Potential Peroxide-Forming Solvents*). Please note that the storage time indicated below are based on these solvents continually being stored in opaque containers and under inert atmospheric gases.

Potential Peroxide-Forming Solvents*
Group A: Chemicals that form explosive levels of peroxides without concentration
Severe peroxide hazard after prolonged storage, especially after exposure to air.
Test for peroxide formation before using or discard after 3 months.

Isopropyl ether
Group B: Peroxide hazards on concentration
Test for peroxide formation before distillation or evaporation. Test for peroxide formation or discard after 1 year.

Benzyl Alcohol
Diethyl ether
Ethylene glycol ether acetates
Methyl Acetylene
Methyl-isobutyl ketone
Vinyl Ethers
Sec. Alcohols

Use and Storage of Peroxide-Forming Solvents
The solvents most commonly used in the laboratory solvents, such as diethyl ether, tetrahydrofuran, cyclohexene, glycol ethers, decalin and 2-propanol are shown in Group B of the previous section. These compounds produce organic peroxides that are significantly less volatile than the solvent in which they are formed, as a result, evaporative concentration or distillation can produce dangerous levels of peroxides. In fact, most Group B solvents are sufficiently volatile that multiple openings of a single container can result in significant and

Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 30 Apr 2023 at 14:58...

So there you have it folks.....the reason OTC poppers are all over the map in terms of effects, odors and purity.

The starting alcohols ARE NOT good enough. They degrade upon exposure to O2 and then they form toxic impurities in the poppers, which cannot simply be removed by washing in water. They MUST be distilled out.

The Professor said on Sun, 30 Apr 2023 at 18:08...

let's work through this.

ken said

"The starting alcohols ARE NOT good enough. They degrade upon exposure to O2 and then they form toxic impurities in the poppers, which cannot simply be removed by washing in water. They MUST be distilled out."

so again we ask ourselves is he lying by the appeal to authority fallacy, AGAIN,?

the article he cites talks about peroxides. let's google about peroxides from stored alcohols, in which we find that SECONDARY alcohols have the potential to create peroxides.

according to Boston University

Right off the bat, it seems that Ken's 'eureka' moment is starting to show holes. UNLESS you use secondary alcohols in your esterifications, this point is moot.

If you DO use secondary alcohols, and you DON'T take care of them (exposure to high heat AND oxygen encourages peroxide formation in SECONDARY alcohols) then this MIGHT be an issue.

Let's google some more about peroxide removal; didn't Ken say it could only be removed by distillation?

Q: How do you remove peroxides from solvents?
A: Peroxides can be removed through a short column of activated alumina

So, are peroxides the reason that OTC poppers have such variance i quality?

I wold say not at all, UNLESS one is making with secondary alcohols, is careless in their handling, doesn't dry their product with either molecular seive or activated alumina.

So, once again, it seems that Ken is lying through his clenched teeth by trying to insert his daft conclusions into published articles.

Over and Over

Oldskool said on Sun, 30 Apr 2023 at 20:03...

Thanks @Billy for your comment. I tried double Scorpio but I wasn't at all impressed. I read that they were the butyl type so was initially enthusiastic but it was nothing like the 2000s or early 20102 butyl poppers - you know, the sort of poppers that were really horny but if you were with your mates in a club and did a bit too much your be in fits of giggles. Thanks also, @TheProfessor for your first post which is the only one I sort of understood. I don't know what happened to my thread after that but it is gibberish to me, sorry. I'd really like to be able to source the late 90s, 2000s, and 2010s poppers if they're obtainable and legal. The over-the-counter ones from back then were 100% consistent. If those days are gone then I suppose I'll just have to give up. Again any sourcing advice much appreciated.

Yaki Da said on Sun, 30 Apr 2023 at 21:56...

>>If those days are gone then I suppose I'll just have to give up

Yeah, give up. This is what I always say to my students...give up, life sucks, we are all doomed anyway. I admit I am a terrible teacher, but I only joined the profession as I like tweed coats, the long holidays, and a free lunch. Really those days are gone, we are all dust in the wind, I advise you buy a big cream cake and watch an old movie. Good luck! and look on the bright side...at least you don't live in Wales. Yaki Da

Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 12:38...

Once again, the chemists in 1914, in the USA, did a lot of experimentation to determine why the various amyl nitrite brands were so highly inconsistent in purity.

They determined that IF the alcohol used at the point of synthesis is of the highest purity possible, then the sodium nitrite/acid method for making amyl nitrite should produce a product that is pure enough to use without distillation.

I don't make this stuff up. All I have done is confirm what those chemists determined way back then.

Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 12:41...

The purity of the alcohol is the single biggest factor in predicting how good the crude product will be, when using the sodium nitrite/acid method.

Alcohols are subject to auto-oxidation without even opening the containers. Once the containers are opened, they can rapidly oxidize. BASF states clearly that if one pentanol is stored under nitrogen and protected from moisture, it should have a shelf life of 12 months. I don't make it up like the Professor. I cite the published literature. He does not.

Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 12:44...

Yes, at one point, I thought the SN was the culprit when brews trended down in quality/expectations.

But the chemists in 1914 didn't even address the SN because they likely knew the alcohols, being more complex and liquid, were more likely to be problematic than the dry, simpler molecule of SN.

Yaki Da said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 19:53...

What is your profession? You are a scientist or chemistry teacher?

The Professor said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 21:06...

Dip shit said
"I don't make it up like the Professor. I cite the published literature. He does not.
Go ahead and spew nonsense responses without actually reading what you are responding to; and always remember that responses are not for YOU, they provide information proving to OTHERS what a liar you are

Of course I cited my reply, and doubling down on your lie just provides more evidence of your inability to comprehend simple text.

Thanks for showing the newbie what you're all about.

The Professor said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 21:12...

Yaki da,
He is a decades long failure sad a maker, yet seems to be very confident in his wild theories and lies.

As well as being a serial gaslighter, he has now taken to spreading lies to would be makers, attempting to sabotage their efforts.

You are a new voice, so if you have a question, it's better to post after how's lunch break at Walgreens, or you'll be inundated with his desperate grabs for attention

Peter said on Wed, 3 May 2023 at 02:39...

@Oldskool: During the past 6 months, I have purchased several of the Pentyl Nitrite popper products from Poppers-Aromas. eu and Twisted Beast that had the same formulation: CAS 463-04-7 and CAS 123-51-3.

My experience with these formulas was identical to yours: a very offensive odor upon opening the bottle, and inhalations of the vapor provided no pro-sexual effects at all.

You may want to try the pentyl products called KING GOLD and LE JUS.
The formulation is CAS 463-04-7 and CAS 71-41-0. I found these products to be a relatively weak popper, but much more tolerable than the other pentyl formulas using CAS 123-51-3.

Wenis said on Sat, 13 May 2023 at 15:53...

Kip = Ken = Nitritespecialist. FYI . but im -Wenis

BDSM said on Sat, 13 May 2023 at 19:53...

You have a 3rd eye, Wenis??? is it wear your bran sells is?

Kelvinator said on Fri, 30 Jun 2023 at 02:58...

I'd be interested to hear about pentyl Nitrite popper experiences. I've tried a combination of n-Pental Nitrite & n-pentanol on two different occasions and had some interesting and puzzling effects. As expected and hoped for, my heart rate increased after a huff. After a bit, I had some bright "floaters" in both eyes. After a two hour session, with just a couple of huffs from pentyl, the rest of the huffs being from amyl and butyl, it felt like I was tripping, forgetting the most basic things, mind wandering, but really enjoying the porn video I was watching. This has only happened in the two sessions where I used pentyl. I saw some posts on mentioning some sort of psychedelic effect. I wonder if that's what was happening? K

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