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Best Way to get Poppers in Vancouver, BC?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by vancityquestions
on Sun, 16 Apr 2023 at 03:15

vancityquestions said on Sun, 16 Apr 2023 at 03:15...

Hey everyone! Looking for a cheaper way to get poppers in Vancouver -- are there ANY places that sell it in person so I do not need to pay for shipping or wait? I know it's difficult to find them but they exist in Toronto so hoping they do here too :-)

Vancityaladdin said on Thu, 4 May 2023 at 20:55...

I fucking wish.

You know jungle juice is made in Delta right?

UBC even released a study that showed how this popper Ban has directly resulted in skyrocketing drug use and death within the gay community of Canada. 🙄

Jungle juice (lockerroom marketing) doesn't accept orders from Canadian visas or Canadian businesses so they can avoid getting raided but I don't know if Reservations are able to circumvent this like how they tend to have the good stuff?

We're legally allowed to own them and have them just not the quantity that could suggest intent to sell.

I see posts on Craigslist but you won't find them for less than 30$/10ml

xyz said on Sat, 3 Jun 2023 at 19:26...

Hi there,

If you are looking for poppers in Vancouver, I sell them through this Telegram link (I also mail it throughout Canada).


Mostly American-made (Alkyl and Isobutyl) and sometimes I have Canadian-made (Pentyl/Amyl) in stock.

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