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Trump Drama

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by The Dreadful Flying Glove
on Tue, 4 Apr 2023 at 08:32

The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Tue, 4 Apr 2023 at 08:32...

Care to share your personal opinions on the telenovela that is Trump? I am mucho curious what ordinary intelligent Americans actually think of all this. Seems there is always show one guy saying "yeah indite him" then some other dude with a banner on the sidewalk who yaks about "witch hunt" Tell me...it is a super-bizarre spectacle....what is happening here, amigos?

Webcam said on Tue, 4 Apr 2023 at 18:10...

a circus with a old clown :-(

YFront said on Wed, 5 Apr 2023 at 19:01...

Alvyn Bragg made a good point, Manhattan is a global financial, so Donald Trump's unusual accounting methods needed a look, matter of regulation and reputation. The fact that he was allegedly paying off porn stars, or hookers, or whatnot, is not relevant. I wonder what Donald's wife thinks of all this? Clearly, in reality, she is a woman of deep intellect and taste so this must be a trying time for her.

"I don't really care, do u?"

Harold said on Thu, 6 Apr 2023 at 06:33...

If you have access to the April 5th edition of the Wall Street Journal, I recommend you read their Editorial that provides an intelligent, informative, and rational assessment of this entire situation.

Nitritespecialist said on Thu, 6 Apr 2023 at 17:33...

Just what Trump wanted....tons of free publicity. The media and the DA are gambling that if they keep trying to smear him, he will lose by just enough to not be the next President.

The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Thu, 6 Apr 2023 at 19:17...

I think WSJ has a paywall? Can you precis it for me, Harold.

@Nitritespecialist: I can see he takes pleasure in being in the limelight. Are Americans aware of what he has actually done to the reputation of USA? All Presidents, including Nixon, have ADDED to the prestige, status, and subsequent authority of USA. Trump in the space of a short time has created a deficit. This will adversely impact the dupes that he seeks to exploit among the populace by pouring salt on their grievances, whipping up animosity against minorities, and spouting inflammatory nonsense. No, he is not a genius businessman, he is a showman like Liberace, without the charm. Those dupes that fall for his snake oil will regret his deception, due to one simple fact: GLOBALIZATION. American power, American wealth, American prosperity, is being challenged by emerging and dangerous power-blocs. Trump's disastrous and chaotic rule has damaged the US and encouraged new alliances that wish to create a new order.

Trump is a laughing stock overseas, do you realize how dangerous this is? How can The Republican Party, who has given the US and the world truly great presidents, be so broken? Reagan's legacy is being ruined by PT Barnum!

Donald J. Trump said on Fri, 7 Apr 2023 at 19:10...

Biden's Laptop Matters


The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 at 06:02...

MAGA is a spurious acronym. America is already great, the pre-dominance of the United States Dollar, the powerful military, cultural, and political influence is very real...and thank God for that! My point being: MAGA is deception aimed at a section of the demographic that reacts to simplistic, reactionary, soundbites. Build a wall to stop Latinos, draining swamps, transgender toilets, abortion, and a pot potpourri of other policies created by trickster political advisors on the hoof. It is not a coherent political theory for solving issues. MAGA actually will do the opposite of what it proclaims, it damages the United States reputation, and the absurdity and moral deficiencies of Trump can send USA into an long-term decline. Beware!

MAGA said on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 at 11:25...

What about Crooked Hillary, why hasn't she been locked up?
It's a good way to start draining that swamp.

MAGA said on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 at 13:56...

The only deception I see is:

The anti - Trump FAKE NEWS.

Anonymous said on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 at 13:56...

China is developing AI systems that will cripple the USA in a heart beat. There's a billion of them....all math geniuses...and they will become the dominant force in the world.

Anonymous said on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 at 13:58...

Trump and cohorts are just distractions. He doesn't really care because the super rich will always have a way out of the chaos once it befalls us all.

MAGA said on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 at 15:45...

Yep China, 40 years ago all that came from China was Kung Fu movies.
I agree AI is dangerous and we probably won't know until it's too late.
It's wake up time. Vote Trump 2024.

Yum-Yum said on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 at 16:24...

China is big sweat shop full of cheap crap
"Cheap Chinese tires have been blamed for a Russian convoy of armored vehicles being unable to reach Kyiv"
They are stealing all tech and trying to copy it / army is big, full of yellow belly who like march around and shouting, and kick shit of of protestors. Many have intestinal worms from eating raw seafood and Chinese medicine is also shit. Xi Jinping has halitosis and wear a gentleman corset and stockings for varicose veins. Why you think Winnie The Pooh get banned by Xi? This bear is not allowed to be shown in China! Xi is 70 years this summer and have problem that mean he always sit along way from visitors.

>all math geniuses

no, who tell you this!? haha..

The Professor said on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 at 17:41...

I'm not sure that a poppers website is the right cohort for serious political discussion, but the meidastouch network's Ben Micellus (an actual lawyer, so he can talk about legal issues with authority) is always informative, if sometimes a bit boring


anon said on Mon, 10 Apr 2023 at 07:17...

Trump in the past was part of a wealthy elite and this shielded him from scruitinty. Now, he has pissed off too many people that they are perfectly willing to stay late at work and workends to comb through all his loose ends. The rich and political donors are given special treatment and he ha burned through that goodwill so he is getting trerated like a normal person anywhere he has pissed off too many people. The fact that NY is willing to comb through his financials is no suprise. The man is criminal and clearly is guilty of many things and no one has ever held him accountable so piss off too many people and you better have your shit in order for when you get auditted.

MAGA said on Mon, 10 Apr 2023 at 09:26...

Trump 2024 +

Yum-Yum said on Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 10:33...

Trump in the past was part of a wealthy elite

then why his wife sellling "fashion watch" on QVC? Melmania Trump must work? Trump sell shirts, hats, stickers and keyring and long red ties, and aftershave"Donald Trump Cologne by Donald Trump has top notes of citrus with hints of mint, cucumber and black basil" this is not elite, like Warren Buffet and Elon Musk! I heardTrump like to play loud music to upset rich people in Palm Springs, and create big dramas at Mar-a-lado to wake up his neighbors. Elite???? i think no. where all this Trump stuff is made??? China?? i don't know, so somebody can ask.

Trump Landslide 2024 said on Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 15:55...

All the polls are showing Trump in for a landslide victory next year.
Trump all the way back to The Whitehouse. MAGA !!!

Yum-Yum said on Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 17:42...

Então, você é um tolo..where you do your schooling, landslide??? u are retardo mental?

Trump Rocks said on Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 21:02...

Trump 58%

The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Thu, 13 Apr 2023 at 09:24...

>>>back to The Whitehouse.

It is The White House, Whitehouse was 1974 porn magazine.

Trump Rocks said on Thu, 13 Apr 2023 at 11:51...

Whitehouse Magazine:
A David Sullivan production, named after anti porn crusader Mary Whitehouse . Excellent value at 75p.

Marcel Wave said on Fri, 14 Apr 2023 at 12:15...

Eric et Donald must be charged with crime against FASHION! oh mon! Eric has hair which is tribute to Gordon Gecko? but his teeth are muroid and creating a shocking tableau in family photo...like the love child of Dracula and Roland The Rat. Eric's suit is washed in a machine at 70 HOT the sleeve is too high, butt too tight, dangle legs hanging from the trousers and coat cannot be buttoned as tooooo TIGHT! what is his mother thinking to wash his suit in a machine! For Donald the windcheeters and baggy old sack blue suit is just appalling, he would look great in a moomoo kaftan, sombrero, and crocodile boots. If he has chest hair should show this and some ethic jewellery. For Eric I choose a more casual look, with leopard skin waistcoat, leather trousers with crotch studs, and safari jacket with epaulets, for the jewellery he can wear a big stone in his ring, and dicreet amounts of makeup (like Ziggy Stardust) can compliment this new look.

Anonymous said on Sun, 16 Apr 2023 at 13:52...

Rudy Giuliani would look great in a purple neon onesie 78 years and a real silver fox....drool.

Marcel Wave said on Tue, 25 Apr 2023 at 11:53...

Non! sacred blue! purple is no on trend, for this octogenarian gent I choose a metallic silver cloak, green plaid Lycra pants, and ripped camouflage tee, the look is complimented by a silver chain and panama hat with red headband. pants are tight fit and should be wearing wellington boots or riding boot like Adam Ant. would be nice to carry horse riding crop, but in the age of cornflakes and leftist cry baby can say this is aggressive, so i think a fly whisk

Yum-Yum said on Wed, 26 Apr 2023 at 22:59...

many crazy and stupid people on this page

Anonymous said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 08:00...

"An old clip of Rudy Giuliani appearing in drag alongside Donald Trump has resurfaced on social media, at a time when several Republican-led states are looking to restrict drag performances."

"Oh, you dirty boy, you!” the former mayor can be heard saying and lightly slapping Mr Trump on the face after he pushed his face on to the former mayor’s chest"

Ruby Giuliani?

Marcel Wave said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 10:26...

Trans fashion is on-trend for Fall 2023, my collection will include high heel wellington boot, rain proofed mini skirt, and sou' wester in orange color as tribute to Maine. For Winter 2023 there is a lot of faux rabbit skin making a mark at top fashion haus like mine, to be combined with xtra large metallic button. stockings in aqua marine blue with red band, and beads will also be very BIG this season.

Yum-Yum said on Tue, 2 May 2023 at 13:36...

you R nutty guy or what fashion house you have lol i thinking you live in trailer in fantasy dream world hahaha

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