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Blue Face - Telling tale on me

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Steady75
on Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 11:49

Steady75 said on Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 11:49...

I'm sick of being caught of for using poppers. My lips and face turns blue. Ive been using them for years and some brands don't do this and some brands do.
Anyone have any info on which types of poppers do this?
I didnt tinker AMYL did but it has been. I was buying the black large bottles with AMYL written in large yellow.
Jungle Juice platinum pentyl doesn't seen to do it but they're a bit shit really lets be honest.

God I miss old ENGLISH flag butyl.
Please help. I'm spending a fortune with no buzz at all. Its headache and acid reflux inducing.

hdbiker2000 said on Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 22:45...

I think you might be suffering from Methemoglobinemia. This when the red blood cells can’t carry enough oxygen to the cells in your body. This causes the blue in your lips, fingers, toes, and causes your skin to look pale. My doctor knows I use poppers he was concerned about my low red blood cell count. He told me to take a vitamin b-12 supplement and to limit my popper usage to maybe 2 times a week.

hdbiker2000 said on Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 23:27...

I think you might be suffering from Methemoglobinemia. This when the red blood cells can’t carry enough oxygen to the cells in your body. This causes the blue in your lips, fingers, toes, and causes your skin to look pale. My doctor knows I use poppers he was concerned about my low red blood cell count. He told me to take a vitamin b-12 supplement and to limit my popper usage to maybe 2 times a week.

Billy said on Fri, 31 Mar 2023 at 16:02...

Have you tried Double Scorpio?

Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 2 Apr 2023 at 13:19...

In spite of what the trolls say, the reason I and many others are experiencing unpleasant effects from poppers is due to type and the presence of certain toxicity enhancing impurities.

In the last week, I spent $182 to get all new reagents to make n-amyl nitrite(n-pentyl nitrite is a synonym). I made 3 small brews and have tested them extensively. Even after many extended whiffs straight from a 10 ml brown bottle, I never felt unwell. I also didn't have any post usage side effects. This has rarely been the case when using the butyl group of poppers as well as the isopropyl nitrite ones. I have EXTENSIVE experience making and using poppers for my own personal use. I have purchased many OTC poppers from retail and online sites and also professionally made alkyl nitrites(poppers) from large chemical companies. I have made thousands of brews of the various poppers and tried every single one.

And with all this extensive experience, what has become more clear than ever is that normal amyl nitrite makes the single best popper due to both odor and effects

ODOR....very mild, nondescript, pleasant, sometimes hinting of clove oil, non-caustic, non-acidic, non-biting

EFFECTS: takes about 5 seconds to hit, then hits with a sudden controlled surge that quickly dies about 1 to 2 minutes later.
With steady extended whiffing, straight from a 10 ml bottle, the effects will build to whatever level the user wishes to take it. At the peak of effects, the heart will be beating madly, libido will be maxed out, and you will feel like orgasm is imminent. And best of all, you can repeat this over and over again, WITHOUT fearing you'll pay for it later in terms of wretched side effects that will surely ruin the following day.
Moreover, the ASS will relax totally and anyone inclined to become a power bottom will want to fulfill that wish.

Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 2 Apr 2023 at 13:23...

FYI, as everyone knows.....there are trolls online whose primary objective is to incite anger, without adding any real substance. This is similar to the Trump syndrome....where HIS only real objective is to incite anger and polarize people. Obviously, 50% of the people are drawn to this sort of tactic, and 50% are not.

Which are you?

Kip said on Sun, 2 Apr 2023 at 16:49...

I vote you leave.

Anonymous said on Sun, 2 Apr 2023 at 19:45...

The EFFECTS you listed nitratespecialist make Mega very nostalgic. That feels correct. These days I might as well be rubbing vim round my nostrils

Anonymous said on Sun, 2 Apr 2023 at 19:46...

Billy - Yes tried double scorpio. Very expensive and only really lasted a single use before the magic was gone. Cant really afford £23 a bottle plus import fees for a wank tbh

Anonymous said on Sun, 2 Apr 2023 at 19:54...

There's literally got to be somewhere i can buy legit black market old school amyl. I can walk out of my house and get coccaine, heroin and meth ffs. Not that I ever would, but i can't find a bottle of old school poppers. Madness

Anonymous said on Sun, 2 Apr 2023 at 19:55...

Also to be clear real old school AMYL doesn't turn you blue huh? I don't remember this ever happening in the 90;s or 00's. Only the last decade tbh

Aurora said on Mon, 3 Apr 2023 at 01:59...

I wonder if anyone knows what Joe Millers process was, like his “secret recipe”. I seems for now that amyl from France and double Scorpio are the best options.. I’ve not had either because as far as I have read, they don’t have the aphrodisiac quality’s that the old stuff had.

I’ve found myself thinking about poppers more often recently, despite not having anything except one bottle of prowler poppers blue boy pentyl last year for at least five years.

I hadn’t experienced blue lips or felt bad from the old stuff nor the pentyl blue blue.

It would be great if someone could make the old Joe miller style for sure. I guess making them on that scale and distribution would be very hard, unless on the dark web.

Kind regards Aurora

Peter said on Mon, 3 Apr 2023 at 04:12...

@Auroa: I suggest you purchase a few of the 5 ml bottles of Amyl Nitrite from PoppersX and see if that product / formula provides the pro-sexual effects you are seeking.
Over the past three years, I have purchased all of the Iso-Amyl Nitrite products from France and was mostly disappointed. Some provided a fairly good first hit upon opening a new bottle, but then the effectiveness diminished very quickly and the product took on an offensive odor.
Regarding Joe Miller and his RUSH product / formula: I know there are participants on this forum who used and liked the old RUSH product, but I could never use it. I believe it was a Butyl Nitrite formula and the odor was simply too offensive to me.

Aurora said on Mon, 3 Apr 2023 at 04:41...

@Peter: Ok, ill check out PoppersX, thanks.

Ive often wondered what was available in the U.K from late 2012 to 2016. I cant remember the different websites as they were numerous.

Maybe its was Butyl nitrite/Iso-Butyl. Whatever is was..it was out of this world great stuff!. I'm not experienced in the Joe Miller era proper as such. Ive just heard all the great things.

Over time i began to enjoy the smell of what i was getting, especially JJ Platinum...part of the anticipation as such.

I liked the way the different brands were like fine wine in the sense that the odours and effects had different traits. : ). (Anyone new reading this...dont drink it..ever of coarse!)


Anonymous said on Sat, 15 Apr 2023 at 11:03...

The Aphrodisiac effect is exactly what it was. It made me feel horny whereas the new stuff feels low key like I'm glue sniffing. A chemical rush or disorientation with nothing human about the experience.

Aurora said on Sun, 16 Apr 2023 at 00:43...


Someone needs to fill the void in the market and make the legitimately, horny inducing formulas again.
Even if they were £30 a bottle it would be worth it I think.
Someone has to know how to do it surely.

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