Big One Amyl Poppers
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by montyke
on Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 11:59
montyke said on Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 11:59...
Does anyone have tried this one?
Wenis said on Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 17:57...
Tht is the best kind. Imo. Not strongest. I think isobutyl is. However tht one was proven to cause cancer. So ide match rather amyl. The Professor who is very knowageble nd lists tht as his fav 2. Also iso-ply lpy which ever i 4get the excat letters. I wuldnt get tht one cuz its proven to cause eye damage. Amyl is 100% the one to get. Here is a site of where u can get it.
Thts 1 spefic item but u can look on the whole site. And i confirmed with them via email (next day response) tht they ship usa and all over europe. Have fun !!!!!!!!!!
Brexit Sucks! said on Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 22:09...
"However tht one was proven to cause cancer"
By Basil The Rat? RIP Basil. Where's Jako??
"The Professor who is very knowageble nd lists tht as his fav 2"
Amyl is the favorite of El Profesor? news 2 me.
Wenis said on Wed, 21 Dec 2022 at 03:04...
Yupp glad i culd inform ya
Im gay said on Wed, 21 Dec 2022 at 11:00...
gay club
PopperExpert said on Wed, 21 Dec 2022 at 16:26...
Actually, all of the common nitrites will probably work well IF they are made well, pure enough and possess no toxic enhancing impurities.
I don't think there's any proof that IPN causes retinal damage rarely or commonly. There's just correlation assumptions. You absolutely have to know the EXACT chemistry of the poppers certain eye patients had used prior to developing their vision symptoms. If a bottle contains mostly IPN, you still have to know what the other compounds are in order to rule them out as causal agents.
Brexit Sucks! said on Wed, 21 Dec 2022 at 22:45...
hey!! you are saying that The Professor recommends amyl? Show me *exactly* where he said that please, Wenis. I have never seen him endorse amyl or "list" amyl as his "fav", hence my reply "news 2 me"...meaning BS. Anything shouting about amyl is usually iso-amyl anyway.
oh and very specific retinal conditions connected to IPN only, but not necessarily caused by IPN, have already been documented in peer-reviewed scientific papers. In fact it was The Professor (if I recall correctly) who has suggested the reason....the specific structure of propyl as opposed to the more traditional nitrites amyl/ pentyl & iso-butyl.
PS. Basil The Rat is a reply to your assertion that iso-butyl is a carcinogen. California has some minor workplace legislation relating to this, but otherwise it was a Euro Rat (probably a chain-smoker?) who created this Euro-scare.
Brexit Sucks! said on Wed, 21 Dec 2022 at 22:49...
The brand is actually called "Big One Amyl"??? fuck...who thought up that name! It will be iso-amyl anyway, and I wouldn't suggest ordering any bottle with AMYL on the label, it's a prescription med.
Wenis said on Thu, 22 Dec 2022 at 19:14...
Yes i read it on one of the professors posts. Ill try to see if i bookmarked was talking about best/perfered types.... I screenshotted it so i can probely make a imgur link 2 it 4 u. But yea it rated 4 differnt types in order of perface/performace/saftey/chem struture. Amyl #1 with ..... It being pretty strong. However he lists isobutyl as being the strongest. Puts the duration less tho nd rush feeling effects better. The guys smart. Indepentdent reasearch proves it.
Wenis said on Thu, 22 Dec 2022 at 19:29...
Here i got the link now 4 u 2 Professors post

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